Internal Website Search

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> Returns: the modified subquery


> Returns: the modified


: the modified query

setObjectField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

;newValue) Mark the field as modified by the user

setStringField(pc, field, currentValue, newValue)

;newValue) Mark the field as modified by the user

retrieve(pc, useFetchPlan)

been modified from its default setting, all fields in the current fetch plan are fetched, and other fields

retrieveAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

parameter is true, and the fetch plan has not been modified from its default setting, all fields in

retrieveAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

parameter is true, and the fetch plan has not been modified from its default setting, all fields in


, and the instances revert to transient. Additionally, fields of modified instances of primitive types


. This method is not modified by the enhancer. Derived fields