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Can't modify @EmbeddedId in ObjectDB Explorer

Hi! There is entity Journal with @EmbeddedId JournalId. Id's content can't be seen/ modified from ... only on its parent. Problem: id's content can't be modified through its parent neither. Scenario: open db in ObjectDB Explorer, open entity Journal, expand the id, try to modify date/id, save, then refresh data

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

is printed in the console, open ObjectDB Explorer, modify an entity's type from GOOD to BAD, save ... the problem, which says the problem also. Repeat case 1 but don't modify anything. Just open and close the DB in Explorer. (Follow all the steps, but don't modify .) Just by doing

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

ObjectDB 2.7.3_03 gives my application a "com.objectdb.o.UserException: Attempt to modify ... The exception should be thrown on an attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object. Older ... , the error I got was the same as the title of this thread:  Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary

Conflicting modifiers .... (javax.persistence.Id, javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

Creating Database [ObjectDB 2.2.9_05] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Conflicting modifiers ... .UserException: Conflicting modifiers for field

Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

Hello, the following examples load and modify an entity, and load and remove the same entity. The first example '' is a simple java program which executes without errors ... BTC EmbeddedSystems The OSGi test is based on: Retrieving an object from the database. Modifying

Support of modifying an ObjectDB Entity class (Schema Change)

If you modify an ObjectDB Entity class will it be supported by a database set up using the old class? I already have an idea to iterate through a database, getting each record and then creating a record of the new type and replacing it, but I was just wondering if there is an easier way or

Modifier operations

Hi, Today I was reading about different NoSQL databases. One of those database - MongoDB - has a very nice feature, especially for web applications - modifier operations. The whole trick for those operations is to change some value in object without pulling this object from database

Updating JPA Entity Objects

Modifying existing entity objects that are stored in the database is based on transparent ... Once an entity object is retrieved from the database (no matter which way) it can simply be modified in memory ... all the modified entity objects. Therefore, entity objects that are referenced from modified entity objects

Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

; and You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files ... are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices ... the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

to manipulate an ObjectDB database we need an EntityManager instance. Operations that modify database ... an EntityTransaction Operations that modify database content, such as store, update, and delete ... returns. When a transaction is active you can invoke EntityManager methods that modify the database

Database Connection using JPA

, but it is a one time operation. Once constructed, it can serve the entire application. Operations that modify ... that is available via the getTransaction method: try { em. getTransaction (). begin (); // Operations that modify ... and is not returned to its pre- modified state. Ending a transaction with a commit propagates


that a cached entity object in its persistence context has been modified by an UPDATE query ... operation that modifies the database, UPDATE queries can only be executed within an active ... - the executeUpdate method returns the number of objects that have been modified by the query. Selective Update

Server User List

: access - permission to open a database for read. modify - permission to modify the content ... modify anything. The element Every element may contain one optional subelement, specifying

Locking in JPA

time) is 1. In every transaction in which an entity object is modified its version number ... if the version numbers do not match, indicating that the object has been modified by another user ... object as modified (dirty) and increases its version number by 1. The PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT mode

JPA Entity Fields

either the Java transient modifier (which also affects serialization) or the JPA @Transient annotation ... for the first time) is 1. For every transaction in which an entity object is modified its version number

Detached Entity Objects

the database unless modified detached objects are merged back into an EntityManager to become managed ... if there is no active transaction when merge is called because operations that might modify the database

JPA Persistable Types

. It can contain constructors, methods, fields and nested types with any access modifiers (public, protected ... are represented internally by their ordinal numbers. Caution is required when modifying an enum

JPA Class Enhancer

ObjectDB Enhancer is a post compilation tool that improves performance by modifying the byte code of compiled classes after compilation. Enhancement is mainly for user-defined persistable classes ... that automatically notifies ObjectDB whenever a persistent field is modified . Enhanced code enables lazy

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward ... . No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse

Working with JPA Entity Objects

Entities section. If a managed entity object is modified within an active transaction the change ... the Configuration chapter. By default, managed entity objects that have not been modified or removed

Database Explorer

client server mode, it can be accessed simultaneously by other applications. If the database is modified ... . The order of elements in an ordered collection can be modified by using the Edit Move Element commands

JPA Lifecycle Events

- after an entity has been retrieved from the database. @PreUpdate - when an entity is identified as modified by

Database Management Settings

(which modify the database) have to be recorded. For debugging of query failure

Storing JPA Entity Objects

is called because operations that modify the database require an active transaction. If the database

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

of this agreement. 2. The Customer is not allowed to modify the Software or any portion of it in


with any operation that modifies the database, DELETE queries can only be executed

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

) but it can be modified by specifying another name explicitly in the @Entity 's name annotation element

How to install ObjectDB?

ObjectDB is distributed as a zip file. Just download and extract the ObjectDB distribution zip file. No need to run any install or setup program. You can uninstall ObjectDB by deleting the ObjectDB directory. ObjectDB does not modify the registry or any other system file.

Database Doctor

. Modifying the database file externally not through ObjectDB (e.g. by malicious software such as

Database Schema Evolution

Modifications to entity classes that do not change their persistent field definitions (their schema) are transparent to ObjectDB. This includes adding, removing and modifying constructors, methods and non persistent fields. However, additions, deletions and modifications to the persistent fields

What's next?

/JPA projects simply by modifying this sample program. Reading the Next Chapters

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

is thrown if there is no active transaction when remove is called because operations that modify

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

to the shared cache. On commit - new and modified entity objects are added to the shared cache. JPA

Entity Management Settings

(which serves as a first level cache). The valid values are "weak" , "soft " and "strong ". Modified

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

( Root , Join ) - The creation of a FROM expression automatically modifies the query by adding

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

, and under this license you may not: modify or copy the materials; use the materials for any commercial

JPA Primary Key

Every entity object that is stored in the database has a primary key. Once assigned, the primary key cannot be modified . It represents the entity object as long as it exists in the database. As an object database, ObjectDB supports implicit object IDs, so an explicitly defined primary key is not

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

, because operations that modify the database require an active transaction. An exception ... , and so on. Once assigned, the object ID cannot be modified or replaced. It represents the object ... to the cache and finally returned to the application. Persistent objects that have not been modified or

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

interface represents a transaction on a database. Every operation that modifies the content ... that modify the database should come here. pm.currentTransaction().commit(); } finally { if (pm ... (); // Operations that modify the database should come here. tr.commit(); } finally { if (tr.isActive

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

(constructors, methods and fields) can have any access modifiers (i.e. public, protected, package or private ... paths in the database). Static and final fields can never be persistent. The transient modifier ... by default. A field with a transient modifier can still become persistent by an explicit instruction

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

with modified behavior should be specified in the metadata. The following file demonstrates JDO ... is always required. persistence- modifier (persistent | none | transactional) The default rules for determining if a field is persistent are explained in section 3.2 . The persistence- modifier

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

using JTA - no need to wrap every operation that modifies the database (such as  persist ) by

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

annotation, saving the need to wrap every operation that modifies the database (such as persist ) by

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

, saving the need to wrap every operation that modifies the database (such as persist ) by

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

JTA - no need to wrap every operation that modifies the database (such as persist ) by transaction

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

line 25), and modified persistent objects (like a retrieved ArrayList , which is modified in line 29 ... enhancement includes modifying class files in order to add implementation of the PersistenceCapable

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

element and its four attributes. The access permission enables opening database files and the modify permission enables modifying their content. In order to create new subdirectories and new database

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

is provided in later sections. Section 9.3 explains how to use viewer windows to edit and modify ... other applications. If the database is modified by another process the viewer windows in the Explorer might display

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

not modify persistent objects, including instance methods and static methods. Notice

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

database (for example, as a result of special customer needs or requests) can be done without modifying