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Getting a list of all the entity class names

I was wondering if there is any way to get a list of the entity names in the database? dmoshal David Moshal You can use the Metamodel API as explained by the JPA Metamodel API page in the manual. support Support

embed the .odb file in tomcat webapp container

hi all new at objectdb, just wondering if i put the odb file inside tomcat webapp, how do i change the "$objectdb/db/fm.odb"? thanks macroselfian Jeff liu See this page for details about the ObjectDB home path

Replication failed

;size initial="256kb" resize="256kb" page="2kb" /> <recovery enabled="true" sync="true" path

ObjectDB future

and the download page and see that ObjectDB is different. Since it first release in 2003 it is actively maintained

@PrePersist Problem

/persistence/event">this manual page. support Support

Spring Data JPA - PersistenceException thrown

of debugging, I found that the MetaModel is for JPA 1.0 spec. The dependency listed on the maven page

Performance issue in a query due to compareTo calls

>See examples on this manual page. support Support

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't

cache optimizing

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How to start a objectdb server with new Daemon (without blocking the thread)??

">server documentation page. This can also be invoked in a separate thread. support Support