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IN expression in a Criteria Query

. On ObjectDB page, it is written that ObjectDB is 100% compatible with JPA. However, I have problem ... these problems? Milan mimac Milan Fabian > On ObjectDB page ... probbably saw it on some unreliable page, sorry about that. I was generating metamodel by

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible

. hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker I'm guessing that the cause of the page delays  ... box) in order to index search result pages from ObjectDB. The search itself is a heavy operation ... Update! Yesterday and today, the average page load is 15 seconds from Denmark

Ram allocation

Selmanovic Theoretically, the main ObjectDB page cache can use 4TB with the default page size of 2KB (and up to 128TB using an increased 64KB page size). However, as mentioned

Query performance in general

file page size: the default is 2kb and the documentation says, that should be fine for most applications. Are there scenarios you know of, that perform better with bigger page sizes (e.g. if an Entity ... should help, but regarding your questions: The page size may have some effect

locks on pure query activities

_element">page cache may help. By running replications of your database ... Support we already have a 2GByte page cache for a 30 GByte database file ... ="256kb" resize="256kb" page="2kb" /> <recovery enabled="true" sync="false" path="." max

Not Enhanced: ...: com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ..._$$_javassist_1 is not found

Hello! ObjectDB logs these errors when I start the app and open the log in page ... in a JSF page for login. UserSessionB contains @Inject UserC, which is @Stateless for dealing ... navigate to the page, so when AuthB is loaded, because is @RequestScoped. I must mention


.pocketservices.athene.pages.base.BasePage.<init>( at net.pocketservices.athene.pages.base.UserPage.<init>( at net.pocketservices.athene.pages

EM close causes an exception

mode, enabled using the "" system property, which is probably used only by ... System.setProperty("", "true"); then the execution of parallel threads ... -purge=true or System.setProperty("

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

one database page are split by ObjectDB into multiple sections and each section is stored in a separate page ... -17 21:57:29 #96 store] RetrievalTask.reportSecondaryResult: page#21867681, reader.getPos() = 497

DBDoctor BTree Errors

> ------------------ [1]   - Unexpected page count ... .bl.internal.dmos.pool.PoolScopeImpl   - Unexpected page count: 8 (actual 1)   ... EmbeddedSystems It indicates mismatch in page / object count. Are these 5 entity classes in use? How