Internal Website Search

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JPA query of a Set of terms

to pages: @Entity public class SearchIndex { @Index SearchTerm term; @Index Page page; } Now suppose I have an array of SearchTerm objects ... ; "SELECT DISTINCT FROM SearchIndex si WHERE si.term ????",Page.class); I

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

Datastore page file cache with page file size of 64 KB.  Here are relevant objectdb.conf settings: <size initial="64kb" resize="64kb" page="64kb" /> <processing ... around after a full JVM GC, which I think is due to ObjectDB datastore page file cache keeping strong references

Chapter 3 - Using JPA

This chapter explains how to manage ObjectDB databases using the Java Persistence API (JPA). The first two pages introduce basic JPA interfaces and concepts:

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

#the_processing_element">database file pages. Cache of

Chapter 6 - Configuration

/setting"> This page explains how ObjectDB configuration works in

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

are under other licenses. See the Credits and Attributions page. 3

JPA Primary Key

pages. On the other end, such a primary key requires more storage space (especially

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

count: 850986 (expected 850977) [2] Unexpected total page count: 206592 (expected 206563) BTree ... : 850986 (actual 850977) Page Relation Errors -------------------- [1] Page #96658 unexpected exception: null [2] Page #96658 last key is null, parent page #144908 next key is 'Elementarprodukt

NetBeans/JPA Java EE Tutorial

>The demo web application manages a basic guestbook page. Every visitor can sign the guestbook by filling

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

/servlet">adding a servlet class that will manage the guestbook page.