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unable to fix DB with Doctor (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)

. Large Sections with Errors -------------------------- Group #1: Page#3 -1:1 0/30294 0+1980/59980594 Page#4 -1:1 1/30294 1980+1980/59980594 Page#5 -1:1 2/30294 3960+1980/59980594 Page#6 -1:1 3/30294 5940+1980/59980594 (...) Page#146638 -1:1 30291/30296 59976180+1980/59984284 Page#147012

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

are sequential and therefore they are stored in sequence pages in the database. New objects ... transaction may require searching positions in the database and processing much more database pages ... , because every page be filled to the maximum with new objects. Long values consume less  space

Index causes increased memory usage

Dev Team There is no special cache for indexes. Pages that contain indexes are cached in the page cache, exactly as pages ... Dev Team About 3.5GB are in use by the page cache (which has a size of

High memory consumption even after close() of EntityManagerFactory

a database page object pool, with the purpose of reducing large object creation. It is unclear ... ">     System.setProperty("objectdb.temp.avoid-page-recycle", "true"); page-recycle=true In addition, this memory will automatically be released

Best practise loading big data

/database#the_processing_element">Page cache Page Cache <processing cache="256mb" max-threads="10" /> ... regards, Rainer Lochmann btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems > Page Cache <

Server out of memory exceptions

due to increasing page cache size ... page cache (per database) is 64MB, so the cache of the two large databases consumes at least 128MB (probably a little more). Other caches (page caches of the 2 other databases, query results caches

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

Richard Szurgot It was a bug in the page cache. This cache can hold several different versions of the same database page (representing pages that were modified by different transactions) and it should serve the right version of every page for every user (depending

Doctor bug?

) Page Content Errors ------------------- [1] Unexpected exception in page #3 entry #0: null [2] Unexpected exception in page #3 entry #1: null [3] Unexpected exception in page #4 entry #0: null [4] Unexpected exception in page #4 entry #1: null [5] Unexpected exception in page #9 entry #0: null

Blocked by find

is related to dilution of pages from the page cache when it becomes too loaded, but the reason ... "> The 2 relevant stack traces may indicate an infinite loop in purging pages from the cache, i.e. #1 ... of cached pages contains a circle since there are no other apparent reasons. With no test

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

.misc.LogEntry   - Unexpected object count: 773 (actual 772) Page Relation Errors -------------------- [1] Page #442580 unexpected exception: null [2] Page #442580 last key is null, parent page #94848 next key is '01f1e2e0-12cb-11e7-bda5-f6e38e607e99'|1 Page Content Errors