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UserException - Object User#2 belongs to another EntityManager

Hi! Scenario's steps: 1. User goes to his profile, a JSF page. 2. @RequestScoped CDI bean UserDataB loads the current user of the session at each request, by using @Stateless bean UserC#findUserById(Long id) 3. JSF page's @RequestScoped CDI bean

Error 990... and then new version?

finally find the bottom of your very out-dated maven repository page!  It compiles now ... again.  That error was... unhelpful. Allow me to suggest that this page really needs

multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10)

>See this manual page, regarding where ObjectDB searches ... ="/java/jpa/setting">this manual page, regarding where ObjectDB searches for the configuration file

Optimistic lock failed for object

/persistence/lock">manual page. support Support Yep, that's the page that's unclear. dmoshal David Moshal

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

Updating Entities

on the top of the UPDATE query manual page: is a very basic principle of JPA. See this manual page

ObjectDB needs "insert ignore"

(see this page). Use an ID class or an embedded ID ... /entity/id">this page). support Support I've discussed "find() cost unreasonable

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

database structure... 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Page Content Errors ------------------- [1] Page #10 entry 5 has unexpected field count (1 instead of 12)   se.firstinsurance

Errors in log to repprt

by 18440@wzbhb101 [2019-09-27 09:49:08 #5 store] RetrievalTask.reportSecondaryResult: page ... .run(Unknown Source) [2019-09-28 06:42:21 #8 store] RetrievalTask.reportSecondaryResult: page

ObjectDB 2.6.4

> Added an option to disable reuse of database page objects. Fixed database page objects reuse to release to be cleared on