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1-50 of 128 resultsLogical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API part of its JDO support. Criteria Query Logical Operators Boolean Expressions and Predicates Boolean ... . get ("isInUN"); Path isInEU = country. get ("isInEU"); Path isInOECD = country. get ("isInOECD"); Predicate ... whose type is boolean - such as comparison operators: Predicate isLarge = cb. gt (country. get ("area | |
Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries"); Expression param = cb. parameter (String.class); // collection IS [NOT] EMPTY Predicate e1 = cb. isEmpty (languages); Predicate e2 = cb. isNotEmpty (languages); // element [NOT] MEMBER OF collection Predicate m1 = cb. isMember (param, languages); Predicate m2 = cb. isMember ("English", languages | |
Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API = :min AND x ) Predicate gt1 = cb. greaterThan (name, nameParam); Predicate gt2 = cb. greaterThan (name, "India"); Predicate gt3 = cb. gt (area, areaParam); Predicate gt4 = cb. gt (area, 1000000); // Greater Than or Equal (=) Predicate ge1 = cb. greaterThanOrEqualTo (name, nameParam | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate JPA Interface Predicate Super Interfaces: Expression , Selection , TupleElement The type of a simple or compound predicate : a conjunction or disjunction of restrictions. A simple predicate ... and Criteria API article explains how to use Predicate . Public Methods List getExpressions () Return | |
WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API) the WHERE predicate , defines which objects to accept. Only Country objects for which the predicate expression evaluates to TRUE are passed to the SELECT clause and then collected as query results. WHERE Predicate ... that index to iterate directly on Country objects that satisfy the WHERE predicate . For entity classes | |
Predicate.isNegated() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate boolean isNegated () Whether the predicate has been created from another predicate by applying the Predicate .not() method or the CriteriaBuilder.not() method. Return: boolean indicating if the predicate is a negated predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate$BooleanOperator.criteria. Predicate $BooleanOperator Since: JPA 2.0 Enum Constants AND Since: JPA 2.0 OR Since: JPA 2.0 Public Static Enum Methods: Predicate $BooleanOperator[] values () Returns an array containing ... over the constants as follows: for ( Predicate $BooleanOperator c : Predicate $BooleanOperator.values | |
Predicate.getOperator() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate Predicate .BooleanOperator getOperator () Return the boolean operator for the predicate . If the predicate is simple, this is AND . Return: boolean operator for the predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Predicate.getExpressions() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate List getExpressions () Return the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate . Returns empty list if there are no top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate . Modifications to the list do not affect the query. Return: list of boolean expressions forming the predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Predicate.not() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate Predicate not () Create a negation of the predicate . Return: negated predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate$BooleanOperator.AND JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate $BooleanOperator AND Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate$BooleanOperator.OR JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.criteria. Predicate $BooleanOperator OR Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries Predicate l1 = cb. like (path, param); Predicate l2 = cb. like (path, "a%"); Predicate l3 = cb. notLike (path, param); Predicate l4 = cb. notLike (path, "a%"); // additional methods take also an escape | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder, predicates , orderings. Note that Predicate is used instead of Expression in this API in order ... Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate and ( Expression x, Expression y) Create a conjunction ... : and predicate Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate and ( Predicate ... restrictions) Create a conjunction | |
Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API; Country . Predicate p = cb. notEqual (e. type (), cb. literal (Country.class)); In the above example | |
GROUP BY and HAVING clauses; Expression argument and the other having form takes a variable number of Predicate arguments | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery Predicate getGroupRestriction () Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions have been specified. Return: having clause predicate ... Subquery having ( Predicate ... restrictions) Specify restrictions over the groups | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$In JPA Interface In Super Interfaces: Expression , Predicate , Selection , TupleElement Interface used to build in predicates . Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods Expression getExpression () Return ... () Return the top-level conjuncts or disjuncts of the predicate . Returns empty list | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Expression Predicate in (Collection values) Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the collection. Parameters: values - collection of values to be tested against Return: predicate testing for membership Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate in ( Expression ... values) Create a predicate | |
javax.persistence.criteria.ParameterExpression Inherited from: Parameter Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate in (Collection values) Create a predicate ... to be tested against Return: predicate testing for membership Inherited from: Expression Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate in ( Expression ... values) Create a predicate to test whether the expression | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder$Coalesce of the expression Return: new expression of the given type Inherited from: Expression Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate in (Collection values) Create a predicate to test whether the expression is a member of the collection. Parameters: values - collection of values to be tested against Return: predicate testing | |
javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate getGroupRestriction () Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction ... predicate Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate getRestriction () Return the predicate that corresponds ... predicate Inherited from: CommonAbstractCriteria Since: JPA 2.1 Class getResultType () Return the result | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery: the list of grouping expressions Inherited from: AbstractQuery Since: JPA 2.0 Predicate getGroupRestriction () Return the predicate that corresponds to the restriction(s) over the grouping items, or null if no restrictions have been specified. Return: having clause predicate Inherited from | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete corresponding to the given entity Since: JPA 2.1 Predicate getRestriction () Return the predicate ... . Return: where clause predicate Inherited from: CommonAbstractCriteria Since: JPA 2.1 Root getRoot ... where ( Predicate ... restrictions) Modify the delete query to restrict the target of the deletion | |
CriteriaBuilder.or(restrictions) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate or ( Predicate ... restrictions ) Create a disjunction of the given restriction predicates . A disjunction of zero predicates is false. Parameters: restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates Return: or predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.and(restrictions) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate and ( Predicate ... restrictions ) Create a conjunction of the given restriction predicates . A conjunction of zero predicates is true. Parameters: restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates Return: and predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate Return: query root corresponding to the given entity Since: JPA 2.1 Predicate getRestriction () Return the predicate that corresponds to the where clause restriction(s), or null if no restrictions have been specified. Return: where clause predicate Inherited from: CommonAbstractCriteria Since: JPA 2.1 | |
javax.persistence.criteria.Join Predicate getOn () Return the predicate that corresponds to the ON restriction(s) on the join, or null if no ON condition has been specified. Return: the ON restriction predicate Since: JPA 2.1 From ... on ( Predicate ... restrictions) Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified | |
CriteriaBuilder.isNotMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isNotMember ( E elem, Expression collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether an element is not a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be true | |
CriteriaBuilder.isNotMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isNotMember ( Expression elem, Expression collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether an element is not a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate | |
CriteriaBuilder.isMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isMember ( E elem, Expression collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether an element is a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false. Parameters | |
CriteriaBuilder.isMember(elem,collection) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate isMember ( Expression elem, Expression collection ) Create a predicate that tests whether an element is a member of a collection. If the collection is empty, the predicate will be false | |
CriteriaQuery.where(restrictions) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery CriteriaQuery where ( Predicate ... of the specified restriction predicates . Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any ... or more restriction predicates Return: the modified query Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaDelete.where(restrictions) - JPA Method; Predicate ... restrictions ) Modify the delete query to restrict the target of the deletion according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates . Replaces the previously added restriction ... . Parameters: restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates Return: the modified delete query Since: JPA 2.1 | |
Subquery.having(restrictions) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery Subquery having ( Predicate ...  ... of the specified restriction predicates . Replaces the previously added having restriction(s), if any ... - zero or more restriction predicates Return: the modified subquery Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.le(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate le ( Expression x, Number y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: less-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.le(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate le ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: less-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lt ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: less-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lt ( Expression x, Number y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: less-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate ge ( Expression x, Number y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: greater-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lessThanOrEqualTo ( Expression x, Y y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: less-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lessThanOrEqualTo ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: less-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.lessThan(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lessThan ( Expression x, Y y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: less-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate greaterThanOrEqualTo ( Expression x, Y y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: greater-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.lessThan(x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate lessThan ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: less-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate ge ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: greater-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate gt ( Expression x, Expression y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Return: greater-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate gt ( Expression x, Number y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is greater than the second. Parameters: x - expression y - value Return: greater-than predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.between(v,x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate between ( Expression v, Y x, Y y ) Create a predicate for testing ... - expression x - value y - value Return: between predicate Since: JPA 2.0 | |
CriteriaBuilder.between(v,x,y) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate between (   ... a predicate for testing whether the first argument is between the second and third arguments in value. Parameters: v - expression x - expression y - expression Return: between predicate Since: JPA 2.0 |