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ObjectDB Object Database Features

> start">Getting Started Tutorial (console). start using ... > Can also be managed (started, restarted, stopped) from the command line.

ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide

> Quick Tour">

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

>LOCATE(str, substr [, start]) function searches a substring and returns its position. start the search. LOWER and UPPER - Changing String Case starting

What's next?

details by reading the other chapters of this manual. If you prefer to get started with ObjectDB right ... ">Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse Tutorial Getting Started with JPA and NetBeans Tutorial These tutorials explain how to run

Online Backup

most web applications. Starting Online Backup The online backup can be started by executing a special query on an starts the backup asynchronously. Therefore, the backup query returns

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

/report/birt/points.odb">points.odb ObjectDB database file from the start">Getting Started tutorial. The database file contains 1,000 Point entity objects

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

>The database will be opened (or created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by ... context - when the web application starts (contextInitialized). Retrieves

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

We start by creating a new Maven-WTP dynamic web project in Eclipse: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File > New > Project ... ;execution> <id>start-jetty</id> <phase>pre-integration-test</phase

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

/manual/chapter2">Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour Demonstrates basic database programming using

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

> operator, it always starts as a transient object, regardless of its type. Instances of persistent classes ... >The Address instance in the code above also starts out as a transient object ... start from them, as explained in the next section. 6.3  Retrieving Persistent