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starting objectdb as a service in linux

Hi, how to start objectdb as a service from linux command line. Every time i close ... > we are starting the database with this command ./ start Thanks peric.emil Emil Perić How do you start the server, with the run command or the start command?

Start ObjectDB inside java code.

and client both run on the same machine and more than one client can be started, they all need access ... . Yet, I can't seem to find a way to automatically start the server mode, and i can't really expect the player to manually start the server, and I still need a way

Activation key causes database to not start

it today. We get an error when trying to start ObjectDB after adding activation in objectdb ... , but without success. We still cannot start ObjectDB if we add the activation key in objectdb.conf. This is the ObjectDB log we get when trying to start ObjectDB with the license.

Logging problem on attempt to start a Server that is already running

It seems that there is a bug in logging mechanism, if you try to start the database which is already started it starts filing the log continuously until it runs out of space on disk ... >   peric.emil Emil Perić This is caused by a recurring attempt to start

The server cannot start in CentOS

="pre-shell"> java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server start The result is attached ... > Actually your attached screenshot shows that the server has been started successfully. If you want to start it in the background, try: java -cp objectdb.jar com

ORDER BY problem, when String starts with language specific character

Dear all, I have a problem with ORDER BY clause. I have a simple query: select u from User u order by When the name starts with "normal/english" character, records are ordered correctly. But when it starts with language

Starting Explorer programmatically

Hi wondering if it's possible to start Explorer from code. Reason: In cases where Gradle is used to manage the ObjectDb jar version, it would be useful to start the explorer from a Groovy script (or java program), to guarantee that it's using the same Gradle-managed

How to start a objectdb server with new Daemon (without blocking the thread)??

I am planning to use objectdb+jetty on Google compute engine server for my next project. But it seemed starting the server will block my thread. Any instruction to avoid thread blocking?    taheta Taheta Woon Consider using embedded mode

Application not starting after enhancement

Application not starting after enhancement

Index Definition

x and y enables quick execution of the following queries: quick index range scan. The same