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Problem with 'where' and date()

Hi, Today I was playing with some date-range queries in explorer and found a small problem. When you try to use queries like this: SELECT o from TestObject o where > :someDate where is java.util.Date

Changing Primary Key

I have a "Table" that currently has  @Id private String userId; @Id private long range; private String someOtherField; I need to add a @Id to someOtherField.  But when I add that, and query the table

Processing thread count for 8-core server

? cvtsc Dev Team It could be in the range of 15-30 threads, but choosing the best value

Speed of queries that return many objects

and tuning it could be in the range of 1-2 seconds. The overhead of preparing entity

Unable to execute update query

the amount of positons to update by specifying an id ranges it works. mosi0815 Ralph Moser

Which storage fits best to ObjectDB?

. If it is tested on small files the speed is getting considerably worse. Our DB files range from

Page dividing support in Objectdb

In Mysql, one can divide records by select * from ttt limit x,length. Then how to do it in Objectdb? gzdillon Lai Yang This is explained in the range_setfirstresult_setmaxresults">manual. support Support

InternalException during producer/consumer scenario

on a range of potentially complex criteria. 2) The number of objects produced

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

.range(0, 1000000).forEach(i -> { MyEntity myEntity = new MyEntity("test" + i

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

if both sort keys were either ascending or descending, since then a range query could just pick