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JPA and handling large data sets

> pezifromvienna Peter Sauer Using query result range (setFirstResultranges of objects by setting both lower and upper value. support Support

performance limit

. Usualy the results range from few hundred to few thousand records. This query takes up to 12 ... on a relation database with few milion records working in a sub second range. Regards

Possible issue with String fields

index out of range: 5 (error 613) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit( at vhndb4 ... out of range: 5 at java.lang.String.charAt( at com.objectdb.o.SYH.A( at com

Selecting random rows

> Aras90 Arkadiusz Szymański You may use range

Server closes if large query runs out of memory

, consider range_setfirstresult_setmaxresults">limiting

virtual servers and one file

(you can keep all the primary keys in memory or use a simple test database with a continuous range of simple numeric

Composite Index error 328

. It may be supported by ObjectDB in the future as it may be useful for some range queries.   support Support

Failed to read DB file while online backup is running

will be needed in order to explore this issue, including range of affected ObjectDB versions. support

Grouping by date()

_06) in which HOUR returns a value in the 0-23 range. support Support Thanks

Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

On startup of a Maven-based web app there is verbose logging of object checking whether enhancement has been applied to a wide range of classes, many of which have nothing to do with the entity layer. For example, it is checking whether PrimeFaces JSF toolkit classes