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Retrieve latest entry in a time-series

Retrieve latest entry in a time-series

Retrieving Metamodel without connection

Retrieving Metamodel without connection

retrieval tas reports in log

retrieval tas reports in log

Retrieving Metamodel without Connection

Retrieving Metamodel without Connection

Enable intern() for Retrieved Strings

Enable intern() for Retrieved Strings

JPA Persistable Types

and retrieval operations. Therefore, using embeddable classes can save space in the database and improve ... . It is more efficient (storage and retrieval are faster). It simplifies ... to a similar supported type when the data is retrieved from the database. For example, the

JPA Primary Key

(and can be retrieve">retrieved from the database) by the combination of its type ... . However, an ID class is required if entity objects have to be retrieved by their primary key as shown in the retrieve">Retrieving Entities section. Embedded Primary

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

The ability to retrieve managed entity objects is a major advantage of JPQL ... that JPA provides for managed entity objects, including retrieve#retrieval ... . For example, the following query retrieves the name of the capital city of a specified country:

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

, consider the following INNER JOIN query that retrieves pairs of (country name, capital name): JPA support of retrieve#retrieval_by ... , since the referenced Capital objects are retrieved one at a time, i.e. the number of round

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

list: 17 ArrayList list; 18 try { 19 // Retrieve the list from ... ArrayList instance is expected to be retrieved from the database by its name "Hello ... ="/database/jdo/manual/chapter6#retrieving_persistent_objects">section 6.3. If such an