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How to install ObjectDB?

ObjectDB is distributed as a zip file. Just download and extract the ObjectDB distribution zip file. No need to run any install or setup program. You can uninstall ObjectDB by deleting the ObjectDB directory. ObjectDB does not modify the registry or any other system file.


> interface. It is easier to run queries and process the query

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

objects from the database using JPA. Running a JPQL query is one of them:

Database Connection using JPA

="/java/jpa/tool/server">ObjectDB Database Server is expected to be running on a machine named

Chapter 6 - Configuration

in the configuration file (for the process that runs ObjectDB).

Online Backup

a result, the backup query returns a Thread instance that represents the backup run

Eclipse/JPA Java EE Tutorial

This is the Eclipse version of the Java EE JPA tutorial. It demonstrates how to create and run a full Java EE 6 MVC (Model View Controller) web application in Eclipse - using GlassFish, ObjectDB and JPA. The demo web

Eclipse/JPA Web Application Tutorial

This is the Eclipse version of the JPA Web App tutorial. It demonstrates how to create and run a database driven Java web application in Eclipse - using Tomcat 6, ObjectDB and JPA. The demo web application manages a basic

NetBeans/JPA Java EE Tutorial

This is the NetBeans version of the Java EE JPA tutorial. It demonstrates how to create and run a full Java EE 6 MVC (Model View Controller) web application in NetBeans - using GlassFish, ObjectDB and JPA.

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

">Spring XML configurationrun">.