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Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

" />   <dirty-tracking arrays="false" /> </entities> <schema> </schema> <server>   <connection port="6136" max="100" />   <data path

Error reading UTF string

> eko EKO FAJAR More details are needed. For example, do you have this issue after a schema evolution? Have you restarted the server schema">as requested? support Support

Is named-query supported in orm.xml

. The error message indicates that the XML fails to pass validation against the JPA 2 ORM schema ... . Maybe EclipseLink is more flexible and doesn't enforce the formal schema.

Replication Issue

;       <schema>         </schema>         <server>      

Degrading performance overtime

;/entities> <schema> </schema> <server> <connection port="6136" max

InternalException & UserException using objectdb with Jboss AS 7.1.1 final

the application with a new empty database or after applying schema change.

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

="false" /> </entities> <schema> </schema> <server> <

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

, and a workaround that seems to work is to separate building the schema (i.e. registration of all the managed ... there is only one client using the db server, running on Apache Tomee, and there is no redeployment or schema

InternalException - error reading field from "queue" database

instances of an unknown type whose schema is not stored in the database, i.e. there are broken references ... this is related to the other reported problem of inability to update the schema in a replicated

ObjectDB 2.5.1

manual. Fixed a possible deadlock on Schema Update during Multithreading activity