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Error using query with MAX() function

> @Entity @Table(name = "TestEntity", schema = "mySchema") public class

IDs of Entities suddenly became UUIDs?

quasado can provide up to date information about this problem. Possibly there was a schema

InternalError on query of empty database

> Either that, or is there some way to query the database about its current schema? Thanks

Update Entity references if we change the type of an entity

of this type of automatic schema evolution at the moment, as critical parts of ObjectDB currently

Join query problem with new statetment

. This might be caused by a schema change that is not fully supported. For example - changing

Composite Index error 328

= "usrlist", schema = "posts") @NamedQueries( { @NamedQuery(name

NullPointerException in __odbGetNumMember

> It may also be related to schema evolution. Can you post the database and/or a test?

combined index not used

("", "true"); EntityManagerFactory emf

ObjectDB 2.6.8

Added JPA XML validation schema files to Maven/JEE objectdb.jar. Added automatic release of pessimistic locks on client-server connection failure. Fixed an OptimisticLockException bug

ObjectDB 2.8.9_07

Improved the error message on exception during commit, reported in issue #2882. Improved automatic schema evolution of enum fields. Fixed A NullPointException when using EntityManagerFactory with different