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General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

" value="admin"/> <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database ... these classes consume (out of the 64GB, you can check it in the Explorer schema tab).

Connection is closed Caused by:

; <dirty-tracking arrays="false" /> </entities> <schema> </schema>

cache optimizing

;</entities>     <schema>     </schema>

Intermittent Server Shutdowns Due to Out of Memory (OOM) Issues

" /> <dirty-tracking arrays="false" /> </entities> <schema> </schema> <server> <connection port="6136" max="0" />

@MappedSuperclass and @Transient not working as I expected

that appear for classes annotated @MappedSuperclass also merely stored schemas, without the data? schema. Usually data in ObjectDB consumes much less space than the same data in

Unexpected exception (Error 990)

) zmirc Mircea Chirac Currently schema changes schema

ObjectDB 2.2.3

a schema evolution bug in renaming user types. Fixed a bug in handling schema

NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

was still running. Schema changes schema">requires server restart.

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

against the existing schema in the database. Maybe the two issues are related, i.e. uidschema change. support Support Actually I don't see two issues here.

database corrupt

;  <schema>     </schema>     <!--