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it is related to failed schema evolution. The number 36 indicates type version number 36 (i ... , since you probably haven't changed the schema of the type already 3 times. Is it possible ... server supports live schema changes. The purpose was to handle schema changes without server restart

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

this database is probably fine, but apparently the Explorer is missing a recent schema change. schema in the database. If this is the case, try to open the database with up to date schema (your entity classes and XML metadata

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

> The ObjectDB schema evolution support consists of: schema">Automatic schema evolution - for adding and removing fields and for class hierarchy change. schema">Configuration schema changes - for renaming

Database Inconsistency or corruption

> @javax.persistence.Entity @javax.persistence.Table(name = "ObjectValues", schema = "dex_01 ... ; @javax.persistence.TableGenerator(name = "objectValueGen", table = "IdValues", schema = "dex_01 ... >   @javax.persistence.JoinTable(name = "ObjectValueAttributes", schema = "dex_01", joinColumns

Time Sequence Object Command DB

-ordered sequence.  Object schemas are stored in the database and updated schemas are added in sequence in the database without having to update objects defined using the older schemas.  When the database is loaded, it will first load an object schema, then the object, then perhaps a new schema

Performance problem

to modify this relationship but it breaks the database. We reported this problem as a schema change ... Error after Schema Change”, the relations we found are the problem are the same one mentioned in ... > We would appreciate if you could investigate why we have errors after Schema Change. We will provide a detailed

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

> The only common thing I've seen is that this MAY happen when schema changes ... Set<Integer> fields become empty sometimes during development while schema changes, but not all the times. The interesting part is that most of the times, schema changes didn't happen into

OEM: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit (error 1011)

.conf <Schema> to match, as described here:  schema"> Adding an ObjectDB.conf entry as follows corrected the issue: <schema> <package name="com

Unexpected Exception (Error 990) with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

an unexpected exception during schema evolution, possibly on an attempt to read an old  support Support What do you mean by schema evolution? Best regards dja Daniel Jahn Adding methods is not considered as a schema

Entity field renaming does not work

;   private String comparisonDisplayDataTypeName; We added the schema for renaming to the objectdb config:   <schema> ... ; </schema>   We have also class and package renaming