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Case Insensitive Indexes

. You can fill a feature request in the issue tracking

Saving custom list which implements java.util.List fails

Doctor. But please do that in a separate thread in the issue tracking. > 

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

" on-commit="true" /> <dirty-tracking arrays="false" /> </entities> <schema>

JPA Query language support in OBjectDB / Sub query or nested Query

>The issue tracking system contains an up to date list of unsupported JPA features. support Support

Will Entire JPQL Supported by ObjectDb?

tracking system for more details. Missing JPA features are expected to be supported in the future.

ObjectDB Enhancer Tool in Java 9

this posting closed and instead track issue 1197. CBE CBE

Should I use ObjectDB and JDO?

the issue tracking). support Support That is exactly what I needed to know.  Thank

SectionClassifier message in log

I'm trying to track down an issue in an application - the problem occurs around the retrieval of an object from a database the specifics are unclear at the moment. In the objectdb log the following message is written everytime the issue occurs

javax.transaction.Synchronization with Java SE 10.0.1

JRE (using Java SE 10.0.1). So I tried to track down why it is not found via runtime and discovered

ObjectDB 2.7.6

> Improved performance of reflection mode (no enhancement) by minimising  tracking backups