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pesimistic Lock semantic

would fail (as your description). This is because without enhancement tracking changes to objects

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

. In order to understand the cause, please track the object version. You can do that easily

Access entity version before commit transaction

change tracking of all fields. They are also faster. support Support

Running ObjectDB on a node that does not have internet connectivity


ODB-WeakRefPurger threads not closing at all

and closing PersistenceManager instances to track DB connections. Is the timeout for closing

Database crash

Database crash

New Java 8 (JDK 1.8) Collection Methods

ObjectDB version 2.5.5 (and above) supports Java 8 (JDK 1.8). Tracking changes to collections and maps using some new Java 8 methods is currently not fully supported. The main known issue is that orphan removal does not happen as a result of removing

ObjectDB 2.8.5

Fixed a bug in using AS in SELECT NEW (breaks some Spring Data JPA queries). Fixed a bug in tracking changes to new collections after flush (issue #2640). Fixed a StackOverflowError on no access permission to objectdb.conf

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

;cascade-persist always="false" on-persist="false" on-commit="false" /> <dirty-tracking arrays

Unexpected Exception during commit

.runInverseQuery( at com.objectdb.pc.track.EntityTracker.loadInverse(EntityTracker