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Updating existing persistence entries

primary key value which makes sense to me but I'm missing a em.update() method. I found examples for updating objects in the knowledge base, but they make use of a pe ... instructions on update">how to update and object using JPA.

UPDATE query to set a new field after schema change

an update statement with the Explorer tool. The statement ends and tells me that 1000 entities have been updated. I then save the changes to the DB via file->save. But when I execute ... initialize the field? KFlash Kevin You are right. Currently UPDATE

selective update does not work

we try to update a single attribute of a number of objects using: update ... ; in the docs it is written to use something like: UPDATE Country SET ... >update Action set transferred = 1 where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath = '/(MA)ENTRYLEVEL-1' ends

Unexpected behaviour upon update. Bug?

.Serializable; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.*; @Entity public class Update ... = emf.createEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); Update simple = new Update(); simple.i = 0; simple.v = 3; em.persist(simple); em

Bulk Delete and Update - best practice?

during the delete. The attachment also contains an update test which has similar memory problems. I'm running both tests with the default objectdb.conf. In general is an UPDATE/DELETE statement the most efficient way to update/remove a large number of objects? I've

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

/update"> suggests should not work. The more conventional way is to update entities within an active transaction, or update entities outside the transaction and then merge them within an active transaction. Your method

Not able to update records

Hi,   I am tring to update the simple object by using Update query by i am getting following exception [ObjectDB 2.4.4_15] javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException Attempt to run update query

Update query null error

"> Update Action a Set a.transferred = 0 where a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "/(PR)W4455NS01%" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%MARAS%" or Update Action ... %" and a.objectsInCharge.nodePath like "%(PR)70005%" Update Action a Set a.transferred = 0 where a.objectsInCharge

UPDATE query cannot set a new field after schema change

an update statement with the Explorer tool. The statement ends and tells me that 1000 entities have been updated. I then save the changes to the DB via file->save. But when I execute ... initialize the field? KFlash Kevin You are right. Currently UPDATE queries can only update

Database Management Settings

="64mb" max-threads="10" synchronized="false" />   <index-update enabled="true ... ;index-update> element   <index-update enabled="true" priority="40" /> The <index-update> element specifies how newly