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How to disable Transparent Update.

How to disable Transparent Update. I have done 2 task in a single transaction. 1. Find a entity by a em.find(Class<t> cls,Object o) and change some fields.(not updating) 2. Persist a new entity. But i found the in 1st case the changed value was updated. I have attached the sample

OutOfMemoryError on search after update on DB created with DB Doctor

thousand records. At this stage there is no problem when searching and updating. 3 ... to be fine. 6. Do an update, any update to any record and all appears to be fine. 7. Do a search after the update, any search and CPU use shoots up to > 100% use, memory use

unable to update table in slave server database

clustering when master server is down ,in slave server during update operation in table getting ... ;   at code.db.jpa.oodb.ObjDBem.Update( updated by the master, updating

Massive schema update

all the objects to the new schema after I wrote the shema update? Thanks in advance. Best Regars, Pablo. Pablo Berra Pablo Berra The effect on performance of schema update ... is updated and stored in the database again it would not need conversion in future retrieval

Update is ignored by ObjectDB

is updated in the database, and User entity remains modified only in code, even if I go: update: += with update using a new method in User:

persists and update together ?

INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b);   This query , inserts data or updates if its already available ... ;   } We need to first find the object available then update

Update entity without first opening a transaction

Hi everyone, I want to update an entity in my program without having ... "), the name in my database should be updated immediately. How can I get this done? joelcraenhals Joël Craenhals JPA requires using transactions for updating the content

selective update not working

we try to optimize for our queries and tried a selective update, but in explorer it just shows query execution error:   UPDATE ObjectNode o ... UPDATE queries. See update-statement-with-join

Update query bug

Some code. Problem in UPDATE query. TypedQuery< ... (temp); TypedQuery<Person> query2 = (TypedQuery<Person>) em.createQuery("UPDATE ... > Martynas Martynas This UPDATE query is invalid because JPQL UPDATE queries are limited

UPDATE statemen crash when i put the WHERE clause.

Hello, i have a problem with a UPDATE statement. When i run the code ... .createQuery("update Record as n set n.lab_points=:points where n.student ... > ioan.bodnar Bodnar Ciprian Apparently this update query is not supported, but a better error