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Catching exceptions from online backup

{padding: 2pt;} .BAB_CPConvertText {font-size: 8pt;} .BAB_ImageBtn { BEHAVIOR : url(#default#BabyBtn ... )"); = (state == "activate" ? "url(#default#BabyBtn ... == "activate" ? "url(#default#BabyBtn)" : ""); BABID_SuggestLingoz.className = (state == "activate

virtual servers and one file

virtual servers and one file

How to change properties in urls2.xml?

"> <url> <main>/var/lib/tomcat7/db/myDb.odb;user=admin;password=admin</main> < ... > </url> This file is autogenerated by objectdb. And it describes the locals databases url and their port / user / password properties. I have no control on the port

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

class="stacktrace"> ... NO = 151552 @ 8042217472 id = 0 @ 7703244276 Url = NO = 155648 @ 8042217472 id = 0 @ 8016831165 Url ... ; image.URIReader NO = 256 @ 8042217472 id = 256 @ 15621180 Url =


.persistence.spi">javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfoList<URL> getJarFileUrls() Returns a list of URLs for the jar files or ... of the persistence unit. Each URL corresponds to a jar-file element in


.persistence.spi">javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfoURL getPersistenceUnitRootUrl() Returns the URL for the jar file or directory ... directory, this will be the URL of that directory.) The URL will either be a file: URL referring


to load any classes, resources, or open URLs. URLs Since: JPA 1.0


that the provider may use to temporarily load any classes, resources, or open URLs. The scope


"> String URL" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.Constants">PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_URL The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-url


> Get the URL for the data store connection. Returns: the URL for the data store