Internal Website Search

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Replication issue, Replayer failing due to NullPointerException.

;users> <user username="backend" password="password" admin="true"> <dir path="/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete" /> </user> <user username="backend-ro ... ;/server> <users> <user username="backend-ro" password="password"> <dir

unable to connect to remote server using VPN

username="admin" password="admin" >                 ... ;         <user username="$default" password="$$$###" ip=" ... ; </user>                 <user username="user1

Replication Issue

;      <user username="admin" password="admin">      ... ;              <user username ... ;       <user username="user1" password="user1" />   

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/jminer"/> <property name="username" value="sa ... ="$objectdb/db/guests.odb"/> <property name="username" value="admin"/> <

openejb jpa jaas module

String username; private char[] password; private Map ... (); try { info = entityManager.find( UserInfo.class , username

Get list of database files

;            host, port, username ... ;        host, port, username, password, path, false);

How to enhance the JPA/Spring/MVC to implement RESTfull for CURL client?

; @RequestMapping(value = "/user/{username}", method = org.springframework.web.bind ... .bind.annotation.PathVariable String username) {   return guestDao.getAllGuests().get(0);

JPA-Query does not lead to any result

UserModelData usr WHERE usr.userName = 'admin' Attached are two databases ... The query is executed using an index on field userName.

Internal Exception and Index Problems

-4d46-9bf1-802cbb6e439b". Try to change the userName attribute of this entry then the following error ... > skolb Sebastian Kolb The data in that specific object in field userNameuserName=...). Even the doctor finds

Internal Exception: null

The query SELECT COUNT(t) FROM TrackerUser t WHERE NOT t.username = :username with :username -> "admin" leads to the following exception: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null com.objectdb