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Error: Failed to write value of field X using reflection (oneToMany relation)

; pedidos; } The class Persona, has nothing in special. Just a few variables. String, int

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

;include all the variables in the FROM clause:

Entity factory

without the possibility to inject dependencies (at least without using static variables which are very bad code

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

;(the one that is used by the Doctor) or in variable

Client server mode no longer works after JRE install

of java on the PATH variable. I will not know in advance what is on the users machine. I

locks on pure query activities

the database file. To enable the new option you have to set an environment variable before

auto-generated uuid fields

hi,  how can  I use   (UUID as variable in entity) for  ObjectDB ?  When I am trying to commit entity to JPA of objectDB,  it gives error . Because it is not supporting.  Is there another way to use UUID

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

"># Note: Please set the JAVA_VM and OBJECTDB_JARS variables!

ObjectDB 2.0.2

Fixed a bug in queries on embedded objects in C/S mode. Fixed a bug in setting log directory path (missing URL decoding). Fixed a bug in automatic byte code enhancement in Java EE server. Fixed a bug in multi variable queries.

ObjectDB 2.8.4

> Added support for a new query hint for setting a preferred variable processing order (issue #2379)