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Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

;btreePlan plan="index(-279[all])" eval="6.174" var="1" prm="0" reg="0" variable="prod" />   ... plan="index(-279[all])" eval="6.174" var="1" prm="0" reg="0" variable="prod" />   

selective update does not work

are limited to one variable and your query uses an implicit JOIN, i.e. it is a shortcut for a query with 2 variables (or 2 entities / tables). See also post #4 in this thread.

Problem with Criteria Querys

> A separate variable for the path is required to get a matching type. But your example

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

environment variable System.setProperty("objectdb.conf", objectDbConFile.toString

query on calendar class

> The {} syntax is for literals, so it cannot contain variables or parameters. In

Performance in SELECT statement

> edit: I just tried to remove the second entity completely and integrate its 3 variables directly in

ObjectDB Server Connection Permissions

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

if Netbeans gave a warning when code referenced entity object member variables rather than getters

Broken @ManyToOne reference

, but after they are retrived, the 'b' variable in all A objects is always null. Regards, Vladimir

NullPointerException in __odbGetNumMember

: 719 PMImpl(EMImpl).commit() line: 276 [local variables unavailable] quasado Alexander Adam