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TreeSet and compareTo() issue

the NPE is either on the 'dropdownValue' or 'ddv' variable.  Any ideas how to sort


to \objectdb\bin in the CLASSPATH environment variable we are using 'server-b.exe

@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

with variables street,city,zip etc.  2.How should look like get and set method

Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

> that is stored in an @Enumerated member variable private Type type

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

/jpa/query/jpql/from#inner_join">a multi variable query with JOIN. support Support

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

that are not detected in enhanced classes, correct? If a class variable is assigned a new value

ObjectDb.conf Defaults

"); System.setProperty("objectdb.home", currentDirectory); // Sets %objectdb environment variable

@Unique member combination not working

variables in a multi-threaded environment would be too risky, however, I have updated my code

Issue with UPPER ?

with the simplest query (and with minimal number of JOIN variables). The number 149

Add Type level permissions to ObjectDB Server

It would be useful if instead of creating a web service layer on top of a database, I could just set up permissions to entities and entity variables for client connections. This would be beneficial when providing specific raw data where additional business logic is not required. I