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joining of tables

is silently ignored by ObjectDB so i want  join tow table and generate a third table. Ex:  table 1: employee    table 2: address  and the generate table will be table 3: emp_add employee: e_id, e_name address: add_id, city

how to create only table structure.

hi, I want to create only a table without insertions of data. And also table contains constraints like not_null, unique, primary key etc. Ex: (In sql) create table emp (id int(5) primary key, name varchar2(20)); , so it will create only table. when we want

How to Remove records from many to many relationship tables in JPA

I have Relation tables    TransportationEvent  and Conclusion  ... > here in database i have got another two table like Conclusion_TransportationEvent ... to delete  records in both tables (TransportationEvent and Conclusion) here i am trying

Table View for queries in the explorer ?

Hi Is there anyway to get the table view , rather than the tree view ... > You can run a query in the Explorer also by selecting [Window > Open Table Window] from the menu (or clicking the table icon in the toolbar) when the query window is active

Warmup ( preLoad all table rows into memory )

all table rows into memory in objectdb ? So i can query fast. I have seen @Cacheable annotation. But i need warmup table to memory when my software boots up.   2-) Also for speed up I am inserting a message into table.

enumeration table? how to on pure jpa?

Hello , I've relational db , and there is some table named enumerations with , some ... : enumeration table rows: key            ... all those easiest way ? Like this: @Entity @Table(name

Duplicate a table

Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to copy the content of a table representing one class of object to another table whithout having to use java object (no object ... from T1" My purpose is to backup a table before erasing the content. Thanks

Table view freezes the program

This shows pressing an Entity and pressing Table view freezes the program ... is not slow, but if yo just open table view like in the video it's slow/freezes.  table is opened quickly in both embedded mode and client-server mode. Please check

Deletion of an entry via the table window always deletes the last entry not the selected one

If I open a class in the explorer via the "Open Table Window" button, select a row by its index and prex "Del" or use right click "Delete" the last entry of the table is removed and not ... . deleting the first row in a table of two rows deletes the first row as expected). More information

Explorer table view

So I am able to do queries with tree view, but with table view it just shows null.  Also if I select a table with the mouse and press either tree or table view it's extremely laggy.   Trianglehead Json Error We may need more information to investigate