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1-50 of 200 resultsStep 6: Design a BIRT Report Table In this final step we will add a simple table to the report: Open the [Insert Table ] dialog box by dragging a Table from the [Palette] window and dropping it on the report design (.rptdesign ... ) in the third field and click OK . Fill the table with data by dragging the x and y columns from | |
Database Explorer Windows The Explorer provides two types of viewer windows for viewing the database data. The Table window follows the approach of traditional visual database tools. Every row in the table represents ... , a bookmark in the [Database] tabbed window or an object in a currently open Table or Tree window | |
Is there a function of "drop table" or "delete from table"? Besides the em.remove() one by one, is there a function of "drop table " or "delete from table ... () cause exceptions. Yes, you'd better to put it into manual, since "drop table " is often in debugging. I can not find "drop table " in this site BTW. gzdillon Lai Yang The code “createQuery("DELETE FROM | |
Auto Generated Values. Therefore, this strategy does not guarantee there will be no gaps in sequence values. The Table Strategy The TABLE strategy is very similar to the SEQUENCE strategy: @Entity @TableGenerator ( name ="tab ... = GenerationType . TABLE , generator ="tab") @Id long id; } ORM-based JPA providers (such as Hibernate | |
javax.persistence.Table JPA Annotation Table Target: TYPE Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Specifies the primary table for the annotated entity. Additional tables may be specified using SecondaryTable or SecondaryTables annotation. If no Table annotation is specified for an entity class, the default values apply | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn String table default "" (Optional) The name of the table that contains the foreign key column. If the join is for a map key for an element collection, the foreign key column is in the collection table for the map value. If the join | |
alter table Hi: After a table built by real data, how to alter table structure, such as: alter table add column ... alter table add index ... TIA gzdillon Lai Yang There are no tables is ObjectDB. Anyway, alter table add column ... This is automatic - just change your class (see Database Schema | |
javax.persistence.JoinColumn.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.JoinColumn String table default "" (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. If a table is not specified, the column is assumed to be in the primary table of the applicable entity. Default: If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn String table default "" (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. Defaults: If the map key is for an element collection, the name of the collection table for the map value. If the map key is for a OneToMany or ManyToMany | |
Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API of logical operators, as shown in the following table : Set 1 - JPQL / SQL Set 2 - Java / JDO AND && OR ... must be one of: TRUE, FALSE , and NULL . The following table shows how the AND operator is evaluated based ... must be one of: TRUE, FALSE , and NULL . The following table shows how the OR operator is evaluated | |
javax.persistence.Table.indexes JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. Table Index [] indexes default {} (Optional) Indexes for the table . These are only used if table generation is in effect. Note that it is not necessary to specify an index for a primary key, as the primary key index will be created automatically. Since: JPA 2.1 | |
javax.persistence.Table.uniqueConstraints JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. Table UniqueConstraint [] uniqueConstraints default {} (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table . These are only used if table generation is in effect. These constraints apply in addition to any constraints specified by | |
javax.persistence.Column.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.Column String table default "" (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. If absent the column is assumed to be in the primary table . Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.Table.schema JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. Table String schema default "" (Optional) The schema of the table . Defaults to the default schema for user. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.TableGenerator.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.TableGenerator String table default "" (Optional) Name of table that stores the generated id values. Defaults to a name chosen by persistence provider. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.Table.catalog JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. Table String catalog default "" (Optional) The catalog of the table . Defaults to the default catalog. Since: JPA 1.0 | | JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. Table String name default "" (Optional) The name of the table . Defaults to the entity name. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.InheritanceType TABLE _PER_CLASS A table per concrete entity class. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.InheritanceType SINGLE_ TABLE A single table per class hierarchy. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.GenerationType.TABLE JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.GenerationType TABLE Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using an underlying database table to ensure uniqueness. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API ObjectDB supports two sets of comparison operators, as shown in the following table : Set 1 ... by these operators. Comparing NULL values The following table shows how NULL values are handled by ... are always evaluated to TRUE , FALSE or NULL . When both operands are not NULL (not shown in the table ) the operator | |
JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria) is that SQL works with relational database tables , records and fields, whereas JPQL works with Java ... rather than just field values from database tables , as with SQL. That makes JPQL more object oriented friendly | |
What is the Java Persistence API (JPA)?) is that in JPA data is represented by classes and objects rather than by tables and records as in ... representation in the relational database (as tables and records) and the representation in the Java application | |
ObjectDB - JPA Object Database for Java requires slow conversions between graphs of Java objects and flat database table rows. Object Relational ... or NetBeans . Forget relational databases, JDBC, drivers, tables , records, ORM tools and mapping | |
What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB? that ability and require multiple tables , multiple records and join operations in order to support | |
What is ObjectDB? objects (and graphs of objects) in an ObjectDB database directly. There's no need to define tables | |
javax.persistence.JoinColumn_ID") // join column is in table for Order public Set getOrders() {return orders ... of a foreign key constraint when table generation is in effect. If this element is not specified ... . The table in which it is found depends upon the context. If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn a mapping to an entity that is a map key. The map key join column is in the collection table , join table , or table of the target entity that is used to represent the map. If no MapKeyJoinColumn ... key constraint when table generation is in effect. If this element is not specified, the persistence | |
javax.persistence.SecondaryTable a secondary table for the annotated entity class. Specifying one or more secondary tables indicates that the data for the entity class is stored across multiple tables . If no SecondaryTable annotation ... table . If no primary key join columns are specified, the join columns are assumed to reference | |
javax.persistence.JoinTable the mapping of associations. It is applied to the owning side of an association. A join table is typically ... -to-one relationships, and one-to-one associations (both bidirectional and unidirectional). When a join table is used in ... of the join table is assumed to be the table names of the associated primary tables concatenated | |
javax.persistence.TableGenerator for the GeneratedValue annotation. A table generator may be specified on the entity class or ... ", table ="ID_GEN", pkColumnName="GEN_KEY", valueColumnName="GEN_VALUE", pkColumnValue="EMP_ID", allocationSize=1) @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy= TABLE , generator="empGen") int id; ... } Example 2 | |
javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn Specifies a primary key column that is used as a foreign key to join to another table . It is used to join the primary table of an entity subclass in the JOINED mapping strategy to the primary table of its superclass; it is used within a SecondaryTable annotation to join a secondary table | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer of database objects. The Table window displays a collection of objects following the approach of traditional visual database tools. Every row in the table represents a single object, every column ... the content of that object. Select an object in a currently open table or browser viewer to explore | |
[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB with tables , records and SQL in addition to the application's classes and objects. ObjectDB is JDO ... . Most other JDO implementations map classes and objects to tables and records in an RDBMS. Using ... with relational database concepts and the tables and columns defined for an application in order to perform | |
Report Generation with BIRT and JPA), (12, 12), ..., (20, 20) The data will be presented in the BIRT report using a chart and a table : The tutorial consists of the following steps: | |
Step 5: Design a BIRT Report Chart to see the chart with the real data: In the next step we will add a table view of the same data to the report. | |
Step 4: Create an ObjectDB Data Set clicking the OK button. In the next steps we will use this data set to build a chart and a table . | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Unique.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Unique String table default "" Table for the unique constraint. This is needed iff annotating a type where this unique constraint is not for the primary table for the persistent class or interface. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Index.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Index String table default "" Table for the index. This is needed iff annotating a type where the index is not defined on the primary table for the type. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Join.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Join String table default "" Table to join to (used when joining to secondary tables ). Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKey.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKey String table default "" Table for the foreign key. This is needed iff annotating a type where the foreign key is not defined on the primary table for the type. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable String table default "" Table to use for persisting this class or interface. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent String table default "" Table to use for persisting this member. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Key.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Key String table default "" Name of the table for the key. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Value.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Value String table default "" Name of the table for the value. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Element.table JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Element String table default "" Name of the table for the element. Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy SUBCLASS_ TABLE Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy NEW_ TABLE Since: JDO 2.1 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.annotations.InheritanceStrategy SUPERCLASS_ TABLE Since: JDO 2.1 | |
[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries demonstrated by the following table : Literal Type Samples of valid literals in JDOQL int 2003, -127 |