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How to have a distribuited GWT application with ObjectDB and Spring?

Hello to everyone! I've been developing a GwT application as a project ... and a server and it is designed for a company renting cars which has 2 or 3 different points in a town. So each point of renting has got its own client/server in the same host. The problems comes

Unable to run NetBeans/JPA Web Application Tutorial

I followed each and every step of NetBeans/JPA Web Application Tutorial but when i am trying to run the web application the following error is prompted on the run console: Start is in progress... start?path=/GuestBook FAIL - Application at context path /GuestBook

Problem undeploying Glassfish3.1.1 web application cleanly

objectdb-2.3.7_18 When I undeploy a Glassfish3.1.1 web application ... server node  of Netbeans7.1, I get the following otherwise harmless error: What is the correct procedure for undeploying such a web application that prevents

How to connect to an embedded ObjectDB in a JPA/JEE application?

server. But I could not find any reference who to connet to an embedded objectdb in a JEE/JPA application through changing persistence.xml file. Can any one please help ? buddhika75 M H B Ariyaratne Just replace the client-server connection url with an embedded connection url, e.g

virtual servers and one file

virtualized servers where the hard drives are also virtualized. From a certain size of the objectdb file ... server solves the problem, but the desire for virtualization is apparently increasing. server's cache. Have you ever heard of this? Our only current workaround is to swap out older

Integrating the ObjectDB logging into the application logging based on slf4j

We would like to write the logs of ObjectDB with into the log of our application. What do you use for logging? With or without slf4j and if so, what concrete implementation?server mode on the client side and on the server side). support Support

Pessimestic Locking doesn't release when application unexpectedly terminates.

it doesn't get released.    Is there anyway the server can detect ... case of a failed connection the server can still accept requests for reconnecting in a transparent way ... with the performance and stability of objectdb server. We've tried various in-memory solutions and Objectdb blows

WeakRef Purge ObjectDb threads not stopping with Tomcat (in application container)

>Clinton / Fazle What is the impact of the issue ? • When we perform web application reloads on our servers we observe memory leaks.  As the memory allocated to the previous web application instance is not garbage collected due to these threads being alive. • 

Server out of memory exceptions

I've started to get memory exceptions on objectdb instances running as a server. The objectdb log reports this as: [2011-07-29 23:28:41 #20 server] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space [2011-07-29 23:28:41 #21 server] java.lang

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by closing the EntityManagerFactory instance with a global application scope. We have to register a The database will be opened (or created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by