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101-139 of 139 results

How to check if an entity exists in a Database without loading it?

WHERE = :pk or SELECT COUNT (e) FROM MyClass e WHERE = :pk   support Support

LazyInitialization / join fetch

count ( item0_.codigo ) from the col_0_0_ item item0_ Nov `` ` This may be occurring due to not doing

Conflicting modifiers .... (javax.persistence.Id, javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

= "numberOfMapItems", query = "SELECT COUNT (x) FROM CompoundKeyMapItem x") }) public class Container { public

collection of embedded objects

of @Embeddable objects? ie. Suppose I want to query: SELECT count (a) FROM A a WHERE a.setOfB.value

ObjectDB size not reducing

smaller(it gets bigger) each hour as record count reduces. Trianglehead Json Error When objects

Using the wrong class to access a database

of entries is zero. - running the app a second time, the count is zero and the average is null

java.sql.Timestamp.getTime() not working

Hi, I need to work with Timestamp diff in two entity fields, but this queries SELECT count (p) FROM Player p WHERE p.loginAt.getTime()-p.registeredAt.getTime():value SELECT p.loginAt.getTime() FROM Player p fails with object is not an instance of declaring class or java.lang.ClassCastException

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

; System.out.println(" count : " + query.getResultList().size());         em

Replication error - parsing objectdb config

Point and Line objects (as per the tutorial) to the master database and then attempts to count

Sorting problem

count , String sortColumn, boolean isAscending) I have to prepare correct query as a String using

Wrong data stored in time only fields

;  Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT (r) FROM DateTime AS r");      

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.CMV

We are using ObjectDB 2.5.1_04. The following JPQL query causes an internal exception: SELECT COUNT (r) FROM RecordingMetaData AS r WHERE ((r.mapFromCli LIKE '' ESCAPE '\')) The exception: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected

100% CPU when using multiple BETWEEN

DESC, r.channelNumber DESC   In both cases we limit the result count to the first 50 records

find repeated records by JPQL

Hi, I know a single command in MySQL can find repeated records: Select * from TTT t where id in (select id from TTT s group id having count (id)1) I dont know how to do this using JPQL, but I use query from 430,000 records and put them into hashmap, finally it cost one hour and failed: Exception in

Getting sales quantity per country with a query, an idea anyone?

;         + " COUNT (ord),"      

Exceeding max connections and crashing

to the database, initial count was 500 but it wasn’t enough and we increased it to 5000

createQuery method error

Hello, I am learning ObjectDB now. I create a simple Dao method as below:   public boolean isJobExist(String name) { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT count (j) FROM MFJob j WHERE j.jobName = :name", Long.class); return query.setParameter("name", name).getSingleResult()0 ? true

A nested SELECT

Hello. I have a query UPDATE Look l SET l.partlySold = FALSE WHERE (SELECT count (a) FROM l.things a WHERE a.thing.status != :status)

Doctor - high memory usage

------------------- [1] Unexpected total page count : 33024 (expected 33152) Creating a database copy

Concerning coding style of the example in the posting instructions

and test cases,  I contest that it breaks the rules for JPA2 entities on at least 2 counts

Is there a function of "drop table" or "delete from table"?

table" or "truncate" can clear the id counting . Any idea? gzdillon Lai Yang Resetting generated ID

10 classes limit

hey. i am a student. and we are learnning inheritance in JPA for my assiment i have 1 base class and 20 subclass in some kind of hierarchy (with all kind of mappings: SINGLE_TABLE, TABLE_PER_CLASS and JOINED). can i use the free version (it will count as 1 class?) or the 10 entity class limit

Drop in Client/server mode not working

(             em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT (e

JPA and handling large data sets

to count them). Much more efficient way is to replace setFirstResult with a constraint on the result

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

= "SELECT COUNT (x) FROM ECompoundKeyMapItem x WHERE x.container = :container") }) public class

Enhancement Check

auto generated classes, which are not signed and may be counted against the 10 classes limit

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

in the last post regarding load we are running - the load is 120000 call per minute, counting

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

), click Validate Plugin-ins button (third on right from below, counting vertically from the "Close

Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

;     return db.createQuery("SELECT count (p) = 0 FROM Player p", Boolean.class

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

: Doing count (*) of MyEntity = 50000 entities Doing list(MyEntity) = 50000 entities Doing list

Blocked by find

the "Negative snapshot user count " error ( Issue #556 ). Please try build 2.3.3_04 that should solve

Server out of memory exceptions

open databases do you use concurrently? Following the thread dump I count about 9 open databases

InternalException when using MEMBER OF on a large list in a query

if you analyse the sample. The example works if you reduce the count (line: 31) to 20.000  or 

Getting an error when adding activation code to conf file

.clear(); } }); em.getTransaction().commit(); Query q1 = em.createQuery("SELECT count (my) from MyEntity

New entity objects are duplicated on merge cascading

.createQuery("SELECT COUNT (c) FROM Chapter c");         System.out.println

Online Backup degrades responsiveness.

count , but still not completely fixes the issue and I'm not sure how scalable this and costly

Internal Exception

) [objectdb-2.4.4_05.jar:] ... 1 more   With this query: SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT $1) FROM com

ObjectDB 2.3.4

Added OSGi support. Added support of MEMBER OF for inverse (mapped by) collections. Changed logging of incomplete recovery records from WARNING to TRACE  ( issue #565 ). Changed main configuration elements from required to optional. Fixed the "Negative snapshot user count " bug ( issue #556

Internal Exception: null

The query SELECT COUNT (t) FROM TrackerUser t WHERE NOT t.username = :username with :username - "admin" leads to the following exception: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null com.objectdb.o.InternalException at com.objectdb.o.InternalException.f( at com.objectdb.o.WSP.h