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Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

.xml of a Netbeans web application project to specify ObjectDB compile time enhancement, for  ... >Until now I have been working with run-time enhancement using objectdb.jar as a javaagent, but I ... , so I want to try compile time enhancement. Besides, as the ObjectDB manual says:

Query execution time issue

with ObjectDB) takes about 10-12 seconds. If i remove ANY 5 left joins, query execution time drops to about 50 milliseconds. Adding a new left join on remaining 8 slows down query execution time ... query execution time drops to about 60 milliseconds. Kind regards, Pero

log entry date/time

It would be very useful if each entry in the log file has a date/time stamp. Thanks, Carl   FastModel Ben Schreiber Version 2.2.2 adds date/time stamps to the log. Thank you for your suggestion. support Support

EntityManager.refresh takes a long time

EntityManager.refresh takes a long time for entity object Person in this code:     logger.log(Level.INFO, "begin select for person ... updates only objects in his context? Operation time reaches 30 - 40 seconds. Please help

Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

are enhanced. I am using Maven-based compile-time enhancement applied to entity modules ... /skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time) ?  

First persist takes long time

We detected that the first Persist() of an entity take much longer than all subsequent calls. We have a small example (see Appendix) which outputs the following times: Could you explain the long time for first persist?


I get errors when trying to persist anything in java.time.* For example LocalDate, Month, Period. Will these be supported sometime in the future?  time-types

package.jdo validation error (Connection timed out)

to validate xml file <somePath>\RTDLogger.jar#package.jdo: Connection timed out: connect NestedThrowables: Connection timed out: connect The same thing

Post-compilation enhancement vs Automatic Run-time enhancement

We are getting massively different results on field loading between explicit post-compile enhancement and automatic run-time enhancement. Testing exactly where and when the results are different for our demo web app is a very time consuming task, and very difficult, it means testing

Java 8 time API

-and-time-types/" target="_blank">introduced in JPA 2.2, and we plan to support JPA 2.2