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1-50 of 200 resultsDate and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries JPQL current date and time functions. Current Date and Time JPA defines special JPQL expressions that are evaluated to the date and time on the database server when the query is executed: CURRENT _DATE - is evaluated to the current date (a java.sql.Date instance). CURRENT _ TIME - is evaluated | |
Number of current connections Is there any way to find out the number of current connections to the DB server? natmaclin Natalia Levine Currently not. You may subscribe to this feature request and update it according to your needs. support Support | |
Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used? Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used? This would be very handy to have, because it is somewhat difficult to know what version of the ObjectDB you are currently using since the objectdb.jar filename remains the same for all versions (which is not a bad thing by | |
Does run time enhancer due to GlassFish/Payara do anything that would affect loaded compile-time entity classes ? ObjectDB support wrote elsewhere: ... you do not need the Enhancer agent, since you use build time emhancement, but GlassFish invokes it automatically. Currently there is no setting in ObjectDB to disable the enhancer agent ... Q: Does run time enhancer due to GlassFish/Payara | |
Date field Index is corrupted due to time change): We create a 1G DB file when the application starts for the fist time . The size of the DB file does not ... at any one time . The load never exceeds more than 5 transactions per 10 seconds. So far we know ... of October at 3am. We think this is significant as this is exactly the time when Madrid changed clocks | |
find() cost unreasonable time!, why? Result: =========== find time @ 24.125000 getSons time @ 0.000000 1 : type:Nodes, sons:2 child : 2 child : 3 Iterator time @ 0.000000 find time @ 0.000000 getSons time @ 0.000000 2 : type:Nodes, sons:2 child : 4 child : 5 Iterator time @ 0.000000 find time @ 0.000000 getSons time @ 0.000000 3 | |
Wrong data stored in time only fields only fields . The object and its date and time fields are the same as in the referenced thread. Except we are using ObjectDB 2.6.4_08, the system time zone is set to EST and both the OS and JVM are using the 2015g time zone data. While we cannot see a problem with date only fields (more testing | |
Time Sequence Object Command DB We ( have a time -sequential object command database. I would like ... of this database are: Each transaction has a time -stamp which is the time the transaction was added to the database. The user can efficiently restore the data-model to a specified time which requires | |
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/time/LocalDate date and time types) you have to use Java 8 or above, rather than Java 7 that you are currently using. support Support ... .objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/ time /LocalDate java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/ time /LocalDate at com.objectdb.o.VUT. ( at com.objectdb.o.RAT.l(RAT | |
java.sql.Time field off by 30 minutes+30min time . rwaters Richard Currently there is no known bug that may cause this. Maybe ... Hihi, I'm wondering if this is a bug. I have a simple entity with java.sql. Time field. On writing ... Thank you for the test case. Here is a revised version that also prints the default time zone | |
Insert time increases as db grows.; then 11 seconds and so on. Should I change my config in some way to get more stable insertion time ... after every commit , to avoid further performance loss over time . support Support Well, I'm using Spring Data JPA ... the same results: insertion time grows as db grows. 4410 Arsenii I've just set enhancer as javaagent | |
ObjectDB Parsing taking huge processing time below, but it is taking a significant amount of processing time even though we don't have a large ... , which can be called many times per database to create database connections is much faster. That said, some ... data that shows where time is spent by this method. support Support Hi Team, We have taken thread | |
Retrieve latest entry in a time-series As mentioned elsewhere, subqueries are not currently supported. A subquery is the way that seems recommended to get only the latest entry in a time series (e.g. the latest time -clock entry for all employees). Is there an ObjectDB way to get the latest entry in a series?  | |
Open several objectdb databases the same time' that is currently in use by another process (error 141) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager ... -17_12.08.15\TC_9_2_3_1_8b@2015-09-17_12.08.15.pa3' that is currently in use by another process ... Golyshkin In embedded mode a database can only be accessed by one process at a time . The server mode | |
Does "error 522" (connect timed out) have something to do with restrictions despite license activation?.88.206:6136 (connect timed out) (error 522) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager( ... .181.88.206:6136 (connect timed out) at com.objectdb.o.MSG.a( at com.objectdb.o.CLS.x ... .SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out at Method | |
Maven driven compile time ehnancement classes during compile time . Just add the following to your pom.xml:   ... ; guest.Guest Actually, your phase is a better choice than mine, as mine only does compile time ... . support Support Ahh ok yes that makes sense. I've seen the issue many times in other systems | |
javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIME JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.TemporalType TIME Map as java.sql. Time Since: JPA 1.0 | |
JPA Persistable Types only once even if they are referenced multiple times . Referencing instances of other persistable types from ... . java.lang.String . java.util.Date , java.util.Calendar , java.sql.Date , java.sql. Time , java.sql.Timestamp . Date and time types are discussed in more detail in the next paragraph. Date and Time | |
FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)_ TIME , CURRENT _TIMESTAMP,DELETE, DESC, DISTINCT, ELSE, EMPTY, END, ENTRY, ESCAPE, EXISTS, FALSE, FETCH ... response time . Database Management Systems (DBMS), including ObjectDB, try to optimize the execution ... , since the referenced Capital objects are retrieved one at a time , i.e. the number of round trips | |
Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries are more generic and efficient because they can be compiled once and then run many times with different ... literals (e.g. 077 , 077L ), a feature that is not currently supported by all JPA implementations. String ... ' and 'ABC' are not equivalent. Date and Time Literals JPQL follows the syntax of SQL and JDBC | |
ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use of these restrictions and may be terminated by ObjectDB Software at any time . Upon terminating your viewing ... that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current . ObjectDB Software may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. ObjectDB Software does | |
Query Parameters in JPA with different parameter values to retrieve different results. Running the same query multiple times ... . Queries can include multiple parameters, and each parameter can occur multiple times in the query ... is a third version of the same method, this time without parameters: public Country getCountryByName | |
Database Explorer it from the command line as follows: java -jar explorer.jar If explorer.jar is not in the current ... menu command to close a currently open database connection. Viewing Database Content Viewer ... , a bookmark in the [Database] tabbed window or an object in a currently open Table or Tree window | |
JPA Class Enhancer.objectdb.Enhancer If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified ... Java code is useful, for instance, in implementing custom enhancement ANT tasks. Load Time (Java Agent ... the build process. To use load time enhancement in web applications the web server or application | |
Retrieving JPA Entity Objects. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary time consuming operations in no-arg constructors ... FetchType . LAZY in either @OneToOne or @ManyToOne annotations ( currently ObjectDB does not distinguish ... annotations ( currently ObjectDB does not distinguish between the two) enables cascading retrieval | |
Locking in JPA time ) is 1. In every transaction in which an entity object is modified its version number ... (using another EntityManager ) since it was retrieved by the current updater. Optimistic locking ... another EntityManager instance) currently holds a PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock on that database object | |
Privacy Policy device identifiers, browser type, browser version, the time and date of Your visit, the pages of our Website that You visit and Your actions on these pages, and the time spent on those pages ... experience and to avoid You having to re-enter your preferences every time You use the Website. Analytics | |
Online Backup that reflects the current date and time (e.g. 201912312359 ) is created under the backup root ... returns after the backup is started but at that time the backup operation may still be in progress | |
Database Server -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path ... the server automatically at boot time and stop it at shutdown time , and on how to restart the server | |
Index Definition one. This may take a significant amount of time if many entity objects have to be examined. Using proper ... . Index management introduces overhead in terms of maintenance time and storage space, so deciding ... .BigInteger , java.math.BigDecimal. java.lang.String. java.util.Date , java.sql.Date , java.sql. Time | |
What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB? By using ObjectDB you can reduce development time and costs and improve your application performance. Reducing Development Time and Costs ObjectDB makes database programming easier and faster ... to shorter time to market and saving in the total development time and costs. Improving Performance | |
JPA Primary Key.lang.String. java.util.Date , java.sql.Date , java.sql. Time , java.sql.Timestamp. Any enum type ... an example, consider a real time system that detects events from various sensors and stores the details in a database. Each event is represented by an Event entity object that holds time , sensor ID | |
Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries time flush at the EntityManager level: em. setFlushMode ( FlushModeType . AUTO ); // Enable query time ... supports the following query hints: "javax.persistence.query.timeout" - sets maximum query execution time ... .persistence.lock.timeout" - sets maximum waiting time for pessimistic locks, when pessimistic locking | |
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at the time ... cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance ... reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time | |
Entity Management Settings, even if it is not specified explicitly at the command line. This is currently an experimental feature ... . Usually, commit time only cascade (which is more efficient than double cascade) is sufficient | |
General Settings and Logging of the subsystem loggers are currently undocumented and can change at any time without notice | |
ObjectDB - JPA Object Database for Java Mapping (ORM) tools can reduce some manual work but cannot eliminate the extra processing time ... when the object data model is complex. See JPA benchmark results... Reduce development time . Improve | |
ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide you productive with ObjectDB and JPA in a short time . Guide Structure This manual is divided into ... a short time . After reading this guide you may want to extend your knowledge of JPA by reading a book on JPA. | |
ObjectDB Object Database Features.String Date types : java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql. Time and java.sql.Timestamp. Math types ... .util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql. Time and java.sql.Timestamp. Math: java.lang.BigInteger and java | |
Can I use ObjectDB with languages other than Java?, but currently only with their JVM implementations (e.g. Jython for Python, JRuby for Ruby and Quercus for PHP). A version of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development and future support | |
Sequence.current() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.datastore.Sequence Object current () Returns the current sequence value object if it is available. It is intended to return a sequence value object previously used. If the current sequence value is not available, throw JDODataStoreException. Return: the current value Since: JDO 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.annotations.VersionStrategy.DATE_TIME JDO Enum Constant in javax.jdo.annotations.VersionStrategy DATE_ TIME Since: JDO 2.1 | |
[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections() method. Each time this method is called, a PersistenceManager instance representing a connection ... (userName, password); The settings of the PersistenceManagerFactory at the time of this operation ... , the transaction is expected to be completed, using the temporary file, the next time the database is opened | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects, every transient object that, at commit time , is reachable from a persistent object (using persistent fields ... it. Therefore, for efficiency sake, it is recommended to avoid time consuming operations in no-arg constructors ... to delete, embedded objects are usually more efficient in terms of execution time and database | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer the content of that object. Select an object in a currently open table or browser viewer to explore ... Selection" command switches the current viewer to focus on the selected object. A double click ... with the query results and the size of the result collection and the query execution time | |
[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server the server automatically at boot time and stopping it at shutdown time , or on restarting the server ... the maximum allowed connection inactivity time (in seconds). If a connection is inactive for more than the specified time the server may close it. The element The element lists all the users who are allowed | |
[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes) must have a reference to an object whose type is persistent at storage time , e.g. an Integer , or null ... of non persistent types, at storage time . As an extension to JDO, ObjectDB supports storing instances ... (args); } } The eMain class ("enhancer Main") becomes the new entry point at development time . First | |
[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata in terms of time and storage space. When extent management is not needed, it can be omitted by ... time with default values (e.g. new Integer(0) for a java.lang.Integer field, "" for a java.lang ... ;Index Definition Querying a large extent without indexes may take a significant amount of time | |
[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour;Hello World The HelloWorld sample program manages a list of strings in the database. Each time ... : java Main George Bush 57 Each time the program is run, another Person instance is constructed ... a program entry point at development time . It starts by enhancing necessary classes (line 8). JDO | |
ObjectDB 1.0 Manual and JDO in a very short time . Guide Structure The first two chapters introduce ObjectDB: Chapter 1 ... on practical issues in order to make the reader proficient in a short time . After reading this guide |