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Issue with compile time enhancement

I have an entity library which I have integrated build time enhancement in.  The enhancer reports it has processed all of my persistent classes.  When I attempt to run a Bootstrap process with this library I get the error shown below.  The entity referenced in the error

Group by date / time

) - support of date/time methods (YEAR, MONTH,

_UserException: Attempt to open a database file '...' that is currently in use

the app the second time. If I'm runnig the app the first time after rebooting ... at the same time by more than one process. Make sure that the database file is

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

several times a day queries take several minutes

.doubleValue = 4))) that normally take around 10 seconds but sometimes several times a day

queries more than 10 times slower using 2.8.1 versus 2.7.6

, we are a bit under time pressure hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker

JPA Persistable Types

times. Referencing instances of other persistable types from multiple java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp. Date and time types are discussed in more detail in the next paragraph. Date and Time

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

_LENGTH, CHARACTER_LENGTH, CLASS, COALESCE, CONCAT, COUNT, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT ... within a reasonable response time. Database Management Systems (DBMS), including ObjectDB, try ... , since the referenced Capital objects are retrieved one at a time, i.e. the number of round

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

>getPersistenceManager() method. Each time this method is called, a PersistenceManager instance ... >PersistenceManagerFactory at the time of this operation are used to initialize the new time the database is opened. This feature, which is called

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

, every transient object that, at commit time, is reachable from a persistent object (using persistent fields ... , it is recommended to avoid time consuming operations in no-arg constructors of persistent classes ... are usually more efficient in terms of execution time and database space