ObjectDB ObjectDB

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ObjectDB Object Database Features

.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp. Math types: java.lang.BigInteger ... , Float and Double). java.lang.String Dates: java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql

Can I use ObjectDB with languages other than Java?

ObjectDB can be used by Java Virtual Machine (JVM) languages, such as Java, Groovy and Scala. It can also be used with other languages, such as Python, JavaScript, Ruby and PHP, but currently ... of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development and future support for other languages


is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. Parameters: entity - entity ... : flushMode Since: JPA 1.0 LockModeType getLockMode(Object entity) Get the current lock mode

Database Management Settings

. Indexing a large amount of data may take considerable processing time. The enabled attribute (whose value

JPA Entity Fields

(when stored in the database for the first time) is 1. For every transaction in which an entity object

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

until terminated. The Customer may terminate the agreement at any time by simply destroying all copies

Step 4: Run the Application

for the first time, a new ObjectDB database file is generated in the db subdirectory under the ObjectDB


and can only be called when the PersistenceManagerFactory is configurable (before the first time ... . The FetchGroup does not become in scope until it is added to the current set via addFetchGroups ... Since: JDO 2.2 Set getFetchGroups() Get a modifiable Set containing a mutable copy of all currently


is only valid within the current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction, this method returns the object id as of the beginning of the current transaction. Returns: a copy ... in the current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction, this method


within the current transaction. Parameters: pc - the PersistenceCapable instance. Returns: a copy ... the current thread's context class loader to locate the configuration file resource(s). Get the anonymous ... /jdoconfig.xml", using the current thread's context class loader to locate the configuration file resource(s

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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