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ObjectDB 2.9 Developer's Guide

). The main purpose of this guide is to make you productive with ObjectDB and JPA in a short time.time. After reading this guide you may want to extend your knowledge of JPA by reading a book on JPA.  

Can I use ObjectDB with languages other than Java?

, but currently only with their JVM implementations (e.g. Jython for Python, JRuby for Ruby and Quercus for PHP). A version of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development


instance belonging to the current persistence context. current persistence context. Get the current lock mode for the entity instance.

Database Management Settings

are indexed. Indexing a large amount of data may take considerable processing time.

JPA Entity Fields

(when stored in the database for the first time) is 1. For every transaction in which an entity object

ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4]

time by simply destroying all copies of the Software. This agreement will terminate immediately

Step 4: Run the Application

> When you run the application for the first time, a new ObjectDB database file is generated in


when the PersistenceManagerFactory is configurable (before the first time current set via currently active (in scope) fetch groups.


the application or the data store, then the ObjectId returned is only valid within the current transaction. current transaction. current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction


the data store, then the ObjectId returned is only valid within the current transaction. current thread's context class loader to locate the configuration file resource(s). current thread's context class loader to locate the configuration