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slow performance for a complex query

and same amount of CDIs). This is due to the execution order of query components, according to Explorer ... other way to specify execution order of query components for a complex query like this? Also, any advise

Multi-tenant capability with hierarchies

currently switch between databases using a Components getEnitityManager method before every db ... don't use the bean because I get it from my Component.

InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query

a sub-component, set an encoder instead. 09:30:08,907 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling ... .ConsoleAppender[STDOUT] - This appender no longer admits a layout as a sub-component, set an encoder

Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length

with components of different lengths is forbidden because it may cause difficulties when the components

Connection performace after upgrade to objectdb 2

you very much for you reply. The problem is that in my software, customers needs to load a component

LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

> affected only the last component in the path. 

ObjectDB within a resource adapter module and Java EE Connector Architecture

Has anybody managed to use ObjectDB in a resource adapter module in accordance with the Java EE Connector Architecture so that it may be packaged separately from (but used by components of) an EJB Module after the pattern of the classic EAR File structure as illustrated in

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

> It seems to me that a "component" orders glassfish to load from my .ear file a resource X.jdo where X

combined index not used

a query plan by text (e.g. specific index or component that has to be used) may be more stable

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

class="pre-java"> @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="z_component") @MapKey(name="z