ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Queries are slow on a large database

index in which the first component is logTestRunId and the second is Id can be the solution

composite index not used in query

to the possible minimum, removing all unnecessary components. For example, try this query: SELECT

Updating existing persistence entries

component. There's no way (at least I know of) to do something before and after a value change. I'm

Not Enhanced: ...: com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ..._$$_javassist_1 is not found

this exception, or decrease the logging level of this ObjectDB component to ERROR: <logger name="enhancer

Measurement of the test coverage of enhanced classes

Hello, our Entities contains logic that we need to test. Therefore we have unit tests for all our entities. We build and test our components with Jenkins-CI. We want to test that what we release to our customers. Therefore we think we need to test the enhanced classes. But that distorts our test

How to store and compare Date up to sec.

ObjectDB stores date values with all their component, as they are in memory. You can reset date part as

ObjectDB 2.6.1

Added an option to disable temporary file deletion. Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths. Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush (issue #1602). Fixed

Best practise loading big data

efforts. Our product is a mix of components (Java 1.6, Java 1.8, OSGi-plugins , loaded-DLLs - 32 and 64

Blocked by find

on that front. String ids are part of the app (and legacy components) so are unfortunately difficult to change

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

components will be supported in future versions. Meanwhile, consider reversing the priority values, in

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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