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51-79 of 79 resultsCannot save or update entity on Spring App @ Component @Transactional public class LanguageRepository { // Injected database connection ... to @Transactional annotation @MappedSuperclass @ Component public class DefaultRepository ... .close(); return que; } } This is how I can call the methods: @ Component public class | |
Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library as OSGi component . But then the persistence unit is not found (defined in persistence.xml ... OSGi component . But then the persistence unit is not found (defined in persistence.xml)". Could you please adjust your example this way, i.e. include ObjectDB as OSGi component , and upload a revised | |
java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException( at component .BookmarkablePageRequestTarget.newPage( at component ... .target. component .BookmarkablePageRequestTarget.processEvents( | |
WebSphere Liberty Configuration Edition application component . This condition can occur when the JNDI client using the java:comp/env ... because the current thread is not associated with a Java Enterprise Edition application component | |
slow performance for a complex query). This is due to the execution order of query components , according to Explorer it retrieves all organisations twice ... ObjectDB. Is there any other way to specify execution order of query components for a complex query like | |
Multi-tenant capability with hierarchies to the post of kirshamir. I currently switch between databases using a Components getEnitityManager ... get it from my Component . @Bean ( name = "entityManagerFactory" ) public EntityManagerFactory | |
InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query_APPENDER] - This appender no longer admits a layout as a sub- component , set an encoder instead. 09:30 ... .core.ConsoleAppender[STDOUT] - This appender no longer admits a layout as a sub- component , set | |
Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length with components of different lengths is forbidden because it may cause difficulties when the components | |
LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results JOIN FETCH affected only the last component in the path. Please try build 2.5.0_06 that should change this behavior. support Support | |
ObjectDB within a resource adapter module and Java EE Connector Architecture Has anybody managed to use ObjectDB in a resource adapter module in accordance with the Java EE Connector Architecture so that it may be packaged separately from (but used by components of) an EJB Module after the pattern of the classic EAR File structure as illustrated in the Java EE 7 | |
disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode. But it is too large and unreadable) It seems to me that a " component " orders glassfish to load from | |
Queries are slow on a large database. A composite index in which the first component is logTestRunId and the second is Id | |
composite index not used in query components . For example, try this query: SELECT count(a) FROM Action a WHERE a.state = 3 AND a.subType = 3 | |
Updating existing persistence entries my GUI component . There's no way (at least I know of) to do something before and after a value change | |
Implement "equals" method. How can this be? Are you maybe using proxies? [1] components /combo-box | |
Not Enhanced: ...: com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ..._$$_javassist_1 is not found this exception, or decrease the logging level of this ObjectDB component to ERROR: The level | |
Measurement of the test coverage of enhanced classes Hello, our Entities contains logic that we need to test. Therefore we have unit tests for all our entities. We build and test our components with Jenkins-CI. We want to test that what we release to our customers. Therefore we think we need to test the enhanced classes. But that distorts our test | |
How to store and compare Date up to sec. Kumar Maharana ObjectDB stores date values with all their component , as they are in memory | |
query hint on the indexes (e.g. their IDs) is to try shorter queries with only some of the components | |
objectdb:2.8.4 - Error occurred during initialization of boot layer_JAVA_UPDATE_JDK9\JavaApps\CommonThirdParty\ThirdPartyLibs\jide- components .jar;D:\Projects\Anritsu | |
stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null.webbeans. component .InterceptorBean.intercept( at org.apache.webbeans.intercept ... .java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.apache.webbeans. component ... .Method.invoke( at org.apache.webbeans. component .InterceptorBean.intercept | |
Different behavior for two equal queries through null in one of the OR components . Navigation should be compiled as LEFT OUTER JOIN to avoid losing ... component that causes this query execution failure? Does it have navigation through null | |
each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other adds more and more active threads. Maybe your system has a component that when a query doesn't ... of all the frequent queries (or an explanation how queries are built and what components they may include | |
combined index not used. specific index or component that has to be used) may be more stable and less affected by small changes in | |
NullPointer when accessing persistent field as follows; @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="z_ component ") @MapKey(name="z_schemeName | |
ObjectDB 2.6.1 Added an option to disable temporary file deletion . Added support of using entity classes with missing dependent types. Added support of composite indexes with components of different lengths . Fixed a bug in reflection mode in detecting changes after flush ( issue #1602 ). Fixed | |
Blocked by find so we're ok on that front. String ids are part of the app (and legacy components ) so are unfortunately | |
Sort of very large objects - out of memory with different ASC / DESC components will be supported in future versions. Meanwhile, consider reversing | |
ClassCastException during query ObjectDB has to instantiate entity objects and their components . It cannot retrieve an object |