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Exceeding max connections and crashing

. Usualy database stops once a day with no apperent reason. Second cause ... . After we increased heap size and number of connections 2 days ago we didn’t had any ObjectDB

Replication error on slave restart

, and every day get over a million transactions. mastervoland Vladimir Sadovnikov day ago). Master is up to date. And as

Path in tomcat

this (it's my day to day dev environment): - create directory 'objectdb' somewhere - in

Remove not working

> Thank you for your report. Since JDO is not commonly used these days, including

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

day ago, when some fields got empty again (but not null). ( empty HashSet<Integer

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

work all day on

GlassFish 7.1.1

Good day, We have few troubles with GlassFish on @remote. When we wants to get entity from remote interface, but in the result we have null in all entity fields. As I see there is a GlassFish problem (

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

. But, for the last few days I have been having significant trouble finding the information I need ... . JPA is much more popular than JDO these days, and accordingly most ObjectDB users use

Feature Request: Subclassed PersistenceException for Type Not Found in DB Schema

on the day.  We let ObjectdDB create the schema in each ODB file the first time objects are persisted ... every day a before a new shard is created.     public List<Integer>

Query fails with failed to read

2-3 times per day we have a query that fails with:   Failed to read from file 'F:\Hummingbird\Objectdb\db\coresystemdb.odb'     support Support we have it now 5-10 times per day. There is not any backup activity active