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Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

I was curious if you could assist me with a challenge we are having with our objectdb database.  Our odb files are about 50Gb in size and are written to about a million times a day with both adds and updates.  This is creating a lot of unused space in the database

Embedded mode usage question

> Thanks and have a nice day, Dmitri   livotov Dmitri Livotov

Broken @ManyToOne reference

in 3 days :-) To be continued... tsichevski Vladimir Tsichevski It was relatively

Significant I/O costs during batch update or insert data.

Our application has some complex entities. We do batch update(merge detached entity) every 2 minutes. We find the period significant IO costs these days, and disappeared when turn off the batch updating. 1.ObjectDB is in embedded mode. 2.ObjectDB version is 2.3

Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit

Support A 30 days evaluation licence (removing evaluation limits) was sent to you in a separate


, but during my early days with hibernate I got this extensively. It just basically means that: 1


. Right? What's about EC2 Instances? Let's say i need them every month for 2 days to deal

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

done on optimizing that case, not within some days, for sure. But we need a clear picture/plan

Referential Integrity

than Datanucleus. But declarative referential integrity is a must from day one that developer request

Critical error:: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception with query

, we own a server license as well as our customer does and we need to ship this product in the next days