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Source not found error after downloading ObjectDB 2.3.7_04

days Pallavi pallavi You have to provide more details. What kind of error

Speeding up reporting queries with size() on list

more testing in next few days. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

Activation error on Schema change

update few days ago on my MB - maybe this was causing problems. Anyway - I had to activate

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

. Nothing really worked so far but I'll try it again the next days and hope to get rid of the problem

Error reading UTF string

Good day, I have many errors like this, when try to use java.util.UUID as string in querys. 16:18:41,862 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb3.invocation] (http- JBAS014134: EJB Invocation

Executing JUnit "all tests" throws "Object ... belongs to another EntityManager" Exception

Good day! I wrote some JUnit tests that create separate objectdb databases and exercise the entities therein (via read/write operations). The tests run fine individually, but when I run "all tests," one fails consistently with the message: com.objectdb.o

Server connection management

The server does not appear to release broken connections. My typical development pattern is to keep reloading my war file in tomcat until the permgen space runs out, and then I kill and restart tomcat. After a few days of this, the server stops responding, and I see the following in

combined index not used

more, but you could check in the Action table, typically we take an endDate that is 30 days from

NullPointerException on initial database creation

within a couple days. JohnSchneider John Schneider

Negative snapshot user count exception

version for several days (with a clean database of course)? If you can share