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Composite Index error 328; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Objects; @Entity @Table(name ... ; private short programType; private Date regDate; private Date regEnd; private Date ... @Column(name = "reg_date") public Date getRegDate() { return regDate

Error using query with MAX() function

(value = TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date changeDate; public int getId() { return id ... Date getChangeDate() { return changeDate; } public void setChangeDate(Date changeDate ... "); } String sbs = sb.toString(); v.setRemark(sbs); v.setChangeDate(new Date

Schema update: package, class and field

"> class A { String date; } Version 2: class A { String old_date; //renamed Date date; } Schema: .. <class name="A"> <field name="date" new-name="old_date" /> <

Trouble bug on explorer

.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: apple * Date: 15 ... programType; private Date regDate; private Date regEnd; private String jxtaUUID ... programType) { this.programType = programType; } public final Date getRegDate

Using SELECT BETWEEN with LocalDate

I am trying to query all entities whose date is between today and today + X days. The date inside the entity is a LocalDate. To do so I ... FROM Element e WHERE


) @Entity public class Employee { @Id String empName; @Id Date birthDay


"> Create an aggregate expression for finding the greatest of the values (strings, dates, etc).


"> The type used in mapping java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar


>BigDecimal; BigInteger; String; and Date.


, Locale, Currency, BigDecimal, and BigInteger; as well as Date and its jdbc subtypes and Enum types