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Wrong data stored in time only fields

="/forum/1756">Wrong data stored in date only fields. The object and its date and time ... > While we cannot see a problem with date only fields (more testing pending) now it appears ... .SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import

combined index not used

> Could you please provide a typical value for the ?1 (end date) parameter (on that sample ... the current date (in your case the date of the last Action). The endDate is created as soon as an Action ... (filter(extract(a,type(Action[all])),(a.endDate>=current-java.sql.Date)),(a.state=3)),(a.subType=3


for persistent map keys of type java.util.Date and java.util ... "> @OneToMany @MapKeyTemporal(DATE) protected java.util.Map employees; Date or java.util.Calendar .


{ @Temporal(DATE) java.util.Date startDate; @Temporal(DATE) java.util.Date endDate

setParameter(param, value, temporalType)

/Parameter" title="Interface in javax.persistence">Parameter<Date> param,   Date value,   java.util.Date to a Parameter object

setParameter(param, value, temporalType)

javax.persistence">Parameter<Date> param,   Date value,   ... .util.Date to a Parameter object.


/jpa/criteria/Expression" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Expression<Date> ... date. Returns: expression for current date Since: JPA 2.0


">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerDate getServerDate() Get the Date as seen by the server. Clients using this method can order ... to prepare a Date instance that represents UTC time on the server.


of Date fields and Date parameters are valid. White space


one of the java.math classes BigInteger or BigDecimal; or the java.util class Date; or one of the java.sql classes Date, Time, or Timestamp; or a user-defined class. If there are multiple result