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General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

;ClientBasicData> listPatientsByIDsWithBasicData(String ids) { Long st = new Date().getTime ... ); System.out.println("cs size = " + cs.size()); Long ed = new Date().getTime ... .health.phsp.entity; import; import java.util.Date; import javax.jdo

JPA Criteria API Queries

/jpql/literal#criteria_query_literals">Literals and Dates (

ORDER BY clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

">JPQL expression whose type is comparable (i.e. numbers, strings and date values) and is derived

General Settings and Logging

> represents the date). A new log file is also generated when the log file exceeds the maximum size

Database Explorer

in the Explorer might display cached content that does not reflect the up to date data in


">Expression<Date> () Create expression to return current date. date. Returns


> Type used to indicate a specific mapping of java.util.Date ... "> Learn how to define and use date and time fields in Date ... ">TemporalType DATE" title="Enum Constant


for persistent fields or properties of type java.util.Date and java.util ... : @Temporal(DATE) protected java.util.Date endDate ... Learn how to define and use date and time fields in


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation -


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation - PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components.