ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Internal exception when updating date filed (TemporalType.DATE)

{         private final int GENERATE_PERSONS_COUNT = 1000;         private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;         private EntityManager entityManager;         public DataManager(String connectionString) {             entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory

Connection is closed Caused by: java.io.EOFException

.*; public final class Test {     public static void main(String[] args) {         EntityManagerFactory ... ) {         EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(             "objectdb ... was not closing the EntityManagerFactory. I have now added a method which I explicitly call after I


Static Method javax.persistence.Persistence EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory( String persistenceUnitName ) Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit. Parameters: persistenceUnitName - the name of the persistence unit Returns: the factory that creates


Since: JPA 1.0 EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory() Return the entity manager factory for the entity manager. Return the entity manager factory for the entity manager. Returns: EntityManagerFactory


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory() Return the entity manager factory for the entity manager. Returns: EntityManagerFactory instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager has been closed Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo PersistenceUnitTransactionType getTransactionType() Returns the transaction type of the entity managers created by the EntityManagerFactory ... : transaction type of the entity managers created by the EntityManagerFactory Since: JPA 1.0


javax.persistence Annotation PersistenceUnit Target: Classes and fields (including property get methods) Expresses a dependency on an EntityManagerFactory and its associated persistence unit. Since: JPA 1.0 String name (Optional) The name by which the entity manager factory is to be accessed in

getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides, name, resourceLoader, pmfLoader)

.EntityManagerFactory cast to a PersistenceManagerFactory. If the name given is null or consists ... .persistence.EntityManagerFactory classes Returns: the PersistenceManagerFactory with properties in


See Also: setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory() Return the entity ... . Returns: EntityManagerFactory instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager


semantics as the same-named property in JSR-220 EntityManagerFactory. Parameters: name

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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