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1-50 of 200 resultsDatabase Connection using JPA of an EntityManagerFactory instance is to support instantiation of EntityManager instances. An EntityManagerFactory is constructed for a specific database, and by managing resources efficiently (e.g ... for that database. The instantiation of the EntityManagerFactory itself might be less efficient | |
javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory JPA Interface EntityManagerFactory Interface used to interact with the entity manager factory ... . Once an EntityManagerFactory has been closed, all its entity managers are considered to be in the closed state. Since: JPA 1.0 The Database Connection using JPA article explains how to use EntityManagerFactory . Public | |
EntityManagerFactory objects being locked during EntityManager creation wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object creation. Please refer ... to understand any underlying EntityManagerFactory locking mechanism to get deeper insight into ... with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object | |
Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ? don't understand. 1. the server is running in embedded mode 2. the static EntityManagerFactory (m ... and static EntityManagerFactory Object (i.e. m_manager_factory ) as you can see in the screenshot ... is, that there are 248 com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl Objects left, and the root gc is as well the EntityManagerFactory | |
EntityManagerFactory.unwrap(cls) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory T unwrap ( Class cls ... EntityManagerFactory implementation does not support the specified class, the PersistenceException ... either the underlying EntityManagerFactory implementation class or an interface that it implements. Return | |
Objectdb EntityManagerFactory problem gupta Your question is unclear. You can close each EntityManagerFactory by using the close method. By the way, creating an EntityManagerFactory is relatively slow. It is usually better to use one EntityManagerFactory per application, with multiple EntityManager instances for multiple database connections. support Support | |
EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable void main(String[] args) { EntityManagerFactory emf = null; EntityManager em = null ... to the slave database (10,001) and get results, just before EntityManagerFactory switches ... also noticed, if EntityManagerFactory is created while the master (10,000) is already down, we fail | |
High memory consumption even after close() of EntityManagerFactory could not be released. Not even after the EntityManagerFactory closed. We created a small test ... will automatically be released (if the pool is not disabled) on EntityManagerFactory close. support Support ... ) on EntityManagerFactory close. However, there are other structures that should be released | |
Closed EntityManagerFactory after upgrading glassfish 3.1.1 to 3.1.2: Attempt to obtain a connection from a closed EntityManagerFactory at com.objectdb.o ... a connection from a closed EntityManagerFactory at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at | |
EntityManagerFactory.addNamedEntityGraph(graphName,entityGraph) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory void addNamedEntityGraph ( String graphName, EntityGraph entityGraph ) Add a named copy of the EntityGraph to the EntityManagerFactory . If an entity graph with the same name already exists | |
EntityManagerFactory.close() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory void close () Close the factory, releasing any resources that it holds. After a factory instance has been closed, all methods invoked ... . Once an EntityManagerFactory has been closed, all its entity managers are considered to be in the closed state. Throws | |
Obtaining a JPA Database Connection content also require an EntityTransaction instance. Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory Obtaining ... of EntityManagerFactory that represents the relevant database and then we can use that factory instance ... to be able to generate an EntityManagerFactory . But when using ObjectDB you can either define a standard | |
EntityManagerFactory.isOpen() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory boolean isOpen () Indicates whether the factory is open. Returns true until the factory has been closed. Return: boolean indicating whether the factory is open Since: JPA 1.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.getMetamodel() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory Metamodel getMetamodel () Return an instance of Metamodel interface for access to the metamodel of the persistence unit. Return: Metamodel instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.getCriteriaBuilder() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder () Return an instance of CriteriaBuilder for the creation of CriteriaQuery objects. Return: CriteriaBuilder instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery(name,query) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory void addNamedQuery ( String name, Query query ) Define the query, typed query, or stored procedure query as a named query such that future query objects can be created from it using the createNamedQuery | |
EntityManagerFactory.getPersistenceUnitUtil() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory PersistenceUnitUtil getPersistenceUnitUtil () Return interface providing access to utility methods for the persistence unit. Return: PersistenceUnitUtil interface Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.getCache() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory Cache getCache () Access the cache that is associated with the entity manager factory (the "second level cache"). Return: instance of the Cache interface or null if no cache is in use Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.getProperties() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory Map getProperties () Get the properties and associated values that are in effect for the entity manager factory. Changing the contents of the map does not change the configuration in effect. Return: properties Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0 | |
EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory EntityManager createEntityManager () Create a new application-managed EntityManager . This method returns a new EntityManager instance each time it is invoked. The isOpen method will return true on the returned instance. Return: entity manager | |
EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(synchronizationType,map) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory EntityManager createEntityManager ( SynchronizationType synchronizationType, Map map ) Create a new JTA application-managed EntityManager with the specified synchronization type and map of properties | |
EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(synchronizationType) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory EntityManager createEntityManager ( SynchronizationType synchronizationType ) Create a new JTA application-managed EntityManager with the specified synchronization type. This method returns a new EntityManager instance each | |
EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(map) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory EntityManager createEntityManager ( Map map ) Create a new application-managed EntityManager with the specified Map of properties. This method returns a new EntityManager instance each time it is invoked. The isOpen method | |
Shared (L2) Entity Cache objects, which is managed by the EntityManagerFactory and shared by all its EntityManager objects ... ; EntityManager instances. In addition to the EntityManager 's L1 cache and the EntityManagerFactory 's L2 ... all the EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager instances of the same database - including on different | |
Database Replication and Clustering, the master database can be accessed ordinarily as follows: EntityManagerFactory emf ... =a"); A slightly different URL is required in order to access the slave database: EntityManagerFactory emf ... can also be used: EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "objectdb | |
Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries; For an EntityManagerFactory - using the  ... .query.timeout", 4000); EntityManagerFactory emf =   | |
ObjectDB Object Database Features competing products . Connection Pooling Automatic connection pool managed by EntityManagerFactory ... (per EntityManager). L2 shared entity data cache (per EntityManagerFactory ). Database file page cache | |
JPA Persistence Unit to instantiate an EntityManagerFactory in JPA (as explained in the JPA Overview section) requires ... ” in the example) identifies the persistence unit when instantiating an EntityManagerFactory | |
Locking in JPA;property: For an EntityManagerFactory ... ; properties.put("javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 2000); EntityManagerFactory emf =   | |
JPA Queries the EntityManagerFactory 's getCriteriaBuilder method or by the EntityManager 's | |
Control and Setting This section contains miscellaneous JPA types. The PersistenceUtil and PersistenceUnitUtil interfaces provide general utility methods: The Cache interface and the CacheRetrieveMode and CacheStoreMode enum types serve in managing the EntityManagerFactory's shared (level 2) cache: Other enum types are provided for setting of various JPA operations: | |
JPA Metamodel API Metamodel API is Metamodel . It can be obtained either by the EntityManagerFactory 's getMetamodel | |
Entity Management Settings that is managed by the EntityManagerFactory and shared by all its EntityManager instances. The level 2 cache | |
Posting Sample Code; EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence | |
JPA Criteria API Queries the EntityManagerFactory 's getCriteriaBuilder method or by the EntityManager 's getCriteriaBuilder method | |
Working with JPA Entity Objects also manages a level 2 shared cache for the EntityManagerFactory as well as other caches as explained in | |
JPA Primary Key); A PersistenceUnitUtil instance is obtained from the EntityManagerFactory . The getIdentifier method | |
SSL Configuration "objectdb" protocol) in the connection URL on the client side: EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence | |
Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class a JPA's EntityManagerFactory instance with a global application scope. We have to register ... created if not existing yet) when the web application starts, by instantiating an EntityManagerFactory ... closing the EntityManagerFactory . To register a ServletContextListener : Open the [New Listener | |
Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class a JPA's EntityManagerFactory instance with a global application scope. We have to register ... an EntityManagerFactory . The database will be closed when the web application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by closing the EntityManagerFactory . To register a ServletContextListener : Open the [New | |
Step 4: Add a Servlet Class, IOException { // Obtain a database connection: EntityManagerFactory emf = ( EntityManagerFactory ... ); } } GuestServlet performs the following operations on every http request: The EntityManagerFactory | |
Step 4: Add a Servlet Class: EntityManagerFactory emf = ( EntityManagerFactory )getServletContext().getAttribute("emf"); EntityManager em ... on every http request: The EntityManagerFactory is retrieved from the application scope attribute | |
javax.persistence.Persistence that is used to obtain an EntityManagerFactory in Java SE environments. It may also be used to cause ... . Public Static Methods EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory (String persistenceUnitName) Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit. Parameters | |
Step 3: Add a Main Class yet): EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(   | |
Step 3: Add a Main Class a database connection // (create a new database if it doesn't exist yet): EntityManagerFactory emf | |
Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class a context listener class that will manage a JPA's EntityManagerFactory representing the ObjectDB database. | |
Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class listener class that will manage a JPA's EntityManagerFactory representing the ObjectDB database. | |
Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(persistenceUnitName,properties) - JPA Static Method JPA Static Method in javax.persistence.Persistence EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory ( String persistenceUnitName, Map properties ) Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the named persistence unit using the given properties. Parameters | |
javax.persistence.EntityManager an entity Since: JPA 2.1 EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory () Return the entity manager factory for the entity manager. Return: EntityManagerFactory instance Throws: IllegalStateException | |
javax.jdo.JDOHelper, if not found, returns a javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory cast to a PersistenceManagerFactory ... loader to use to load the {@link PersistenceManagerFactory} or javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory |