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EntityManagerFactory objects being locked during EntityManager creation

with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object ... EntityManagerFactory locking mechanism to get deeper insight into this issue. Note: We have tried ... with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object

Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ?

. the static EntityManagerFactory (m_manager_factory in the example) is opened via EntityManagerFactory Object (i.e. m_manager_factory) as ... well the EntityManagerFactory Object m_manager_factory.

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

main(String[] args) {   EntityManagerFactory emf = null;   EntityManager em = null ... _DATA_TO_DATABASE = false; public static void main(String[] args) {   EntityManagerFactory ... . Notice EntityManagerFactory switched over to the slave; however, the connection is closed.

Objectdb EntityManagerFactory problem

">EntityManagerFactory by using the close method. By the way, creating an EntityManagerFactory is relatively slow. It is usually better to use one EntityManagerFactory per application, with multiple 

High memory consumption even after close() of EntityManagerFactory

) which from GC could not be released. Not even after the EntityManagerFactory closed. EntityManagerFactory close. EntityManagerFactory close. However, there are other structures that should be released

Database Connection using JPA

/EntityManagerFactory">EntityManagerFactory instance is to support instantiation of EntityManager instances. An EntityManagerFactoryEntityManagerFactory itself might be less efficient

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

>Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory">EntityManagerFactory that represents ... ">persistence unit in an XML file in order to be able to generate an EntityManagerFactory

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

of entity objects, which is managed by the EntityManagerFactory">EntityManagerFactory and shared by all its EntityManager objects. the broader scope ... >EntityManagerFactory's L2 cache, which are managed on the client side - ObjectDB manages

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

, which will be represented by a JPA's EntityManagerFactory">EntityManagerFactory ... instantiating an EntityManagerFactory. The database will be closed when the web application stops (or when the web server shuts down), by closing the EntityManagerFactory

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

, which will be represented by a JPA's EntityManagerFactory">EntityManagerFactory ... instantiating an EntityManagerFactory. The database will be closed when the web ... >EntityManagerFactory. To register a ServletContextListener: