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Internal exception when updating date filed (TemporalType.DATE)

EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;         private ... connectionString) {             entityManagerFactory ... ;      entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();   

Connection is closed Caused by:

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(      ... ;   EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(     ... of EntityManager that I created,  I was not closing the EntityManagerFactory.  I have now added

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

;EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager? As long as the web-app is running, I ... > > When should I use the close method of EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager? You can close the EntityManagerFactory when the web

Memory consumption of empty Strings

[] args) {     EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("sscce.odb");     EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory ... ; entityManagerFactory.close();     System.out.println("let's create a heap dump");  

Persist error @ManyToMany how to define correct entities relationships

javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax ... (); t.test(); } public static class Test{ EntityManagerFactory emf ... ; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import

Multi-tenant capability with hierarchies

here. You will have to configure the EntityManagerFactory creation ... myself. Which figures because the @Transactional uses the entityManagerFactory bean which I don't use.} } I also still need to create the entityManagerFactory bean for startup or else I

Configure ObjectDB in spring context

.xml file so that I'd be able to inject EntityManagerFactory to my beans. Could you help ... ="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> < ... AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ApplicationConfig.class); ctx.getBean("entityManagerFactory

Cannot save or update entity on Spring App

(); transactionManager.setEntityManagerFactory(entityManagerFactory ... -java"> @Bean public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() throws ... ") EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory; // Stores a new guest: public Object persist


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation - The PersistenceManagerFactory is the interface to use to obtain PersistenceManager instances.


semantics as the same-named property in JSR-220 EntityManagerFactory.