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SSL cannot connect from client StackOverflow error

> I cannot connect the Client, when SSL is enabled. I can connect from Explorer, when "Use SSL ... > thamal Tomas Hamal > I can connect from Explorer, when "Use SSL" is checked, isn't there some option, which I missed on java client side? When "Use SSL" is enabled, the Explorer uses

Missing Data on Retrieval (0, null values)

should be the same as the tables in (ObjectDB) Explorer.       ... you will still get an object that you can explore using reflection. The main idea of an object database and of JPA ... : "you will still get an object that you can explore using reflection." That i thought,  

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

do you have? What is the total space that they consume (check in the Explorer)? support ... these classes consume (out of the 64GB, you can check it in the Explorer schema tab).

Database corrupted after schema change

become corrupted. It is visible also in the DB Explorer that the values of the fields are shifted, so in ... before running the Doctor) with the last version of ObjectDB, for example, using the Explorer ... > jakab Gergely Jakab Thank you for the update. It seems that to explore

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash at Explorer ... () registers them with ObjectDB. Check the class list of the database in the Explorer.explorer image, ODBEntity.png which shows just the one class.

Is there any GUI for creating/editing entity?

> Some Explorer features that were available in ObjectDB 1.0 are temporarily disabled ... the Explorer. These features are expected to be enabled again soon in future releases. feature request. Update: ObjectDB 2.3 Explorer adds support of editing

Compare old and new schema

> However, you can open the old database in the Explorer (without entity classes in the classpath ... database migration takes place correctly. Could you tell me how the explorer gathers ... your explorer get to metamodel? Thanks, Farid oudjanef Farid Oudjane

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

internally, start to fail with ClassCastException. The same exception is thrown by your DB Explorer tool ... and with DB Explorer. 2. Then we run the following update query from the remote client over RMI ... the application and with DB Explorer. As a matter of fact any update causes the problem. The above is just

@MappedSuperclass and @Transient not working as I expected

to examine it in ObjectDB Explorer, it throws a NPE.  And there is a column in the subclass table ... the database and the Explorer merely shows default values. See also this related forum thread. ObjectDB 2.3 will be released with a new Explorer

Undeploying Glassfish web application does not disconnect from ObjectDB

the database file in the ObjectDB explorer, the explorer claims the database file is being accessed by another process. If I restart Glassfish I can open the database file in the ObjectDB explorer ok