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Query Method NullPointerException on List iteration

> is thrown. Try running the query in the Explorer. Do you get results? explorer, because it says that the method doesn't exist. I tried adding the classpath in the explorer settings, but the error remains..   Stack Trace

performance limit

that indexes are not used. Runing the query in ObjectDB explorer clearly marks tha index on atribute ... . If this is the case, you may notice that the same query runs much faster in the Explorer (because in the Explorer

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to generate dynamic type

> The Doctor, the Server and the Explorer usually work with no access to your classes, but you may also run ... > See the Server, explorer">Explorer and

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

with the Explorer, the statement has a null value on the property and the newSingleValue is present. explorer we can see that the new component has been saved but not

ways to recover from DB curruption

using explorer or even running the Doctor on it I get this exception: Explorer / Doctor) with the new classes and with some changes

Double persist of Entity field with Cascade.ALL

sequential id) on the Chapter table when viewed in Explorer. Let me also mention ... . In ObjectDB Explorer, you should see the Book table correctly recorded

Null pointer exception being thrown from within ObjectDB.

).getResultList(); ...   Screenshots attached for database explorer.  ... the ReportObject list, the explorer "hangs". za.eckhardt James Christopher Eckhardt Explorer). support Support

How to check what is taking most space in DB file

to expose it in the Explorer, so following your request we will try to implement it soon.Explorer (on the Schema tab) about the space in bytes that each entity ... is currently available only when the Explorer runs in embedded mode. support Support Thank

Query Execution Error

Execution Error===null" in Explorer and Internal Exception in java client code. Please note ... in explorer with attached db. Alex quasado Alexander Adam Okay

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

. Looking at the database in explorer it looks like some of the "WorkflowInstance" objects have failed to persist (explorer lists an exception message rather than the object). The following